Ways of Working

  • PPP 002 | Project Sponsorship, with guest Alfonso Bucero, PMP

    How important is executive support to your ability to deliver? The answer is: probably even more important than you realize!

    Effective project sponsorship is often rare in most organizations, which is why I'm looking forward to you learning from this episode's guest: Alfonso Bucero.

    Total Duration: 21:21

    Download episode 2

  • PPP 008 | Managing Extreme Projects, with author and consultant Doug DeCarlo

    Total Duration 30:20

    Download episode 8

    My favorite extreme project management guru is Doug DeCarlo, author of the book eXtreme Project Management: Using Leadership, Principles and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility. I had the opportunity to catch up with Doug recently and look forward to your feedback after you listen to my interview with him in this episode.

    Thank you for listening to The People and Projects Podcast! If you enjoy this free resource I invite you to get the word out to friends and colleagues that would benefit. Also, please send me a note to let me know what you're learning from each episode. You can reach me by e-mail at .

    Enjoy the interview!

  • PPP 009 | Why New Systems Fail, an interview with author Phil Simon

    Total Duration 31:36

    Download episode 9

    Think about the last really big project you were involved with.... How would you describe how it went?

    Exactly as planned?

    That's not what I usually hear from customers and colleagues! Rather, I'm more apt to hear responses such as "Challenged", "Stressed", or "Lots of changes!"

    We continue to learn so much about how to run projects and yet new projects--often those really large ones--continue to struggle.

    In our project management workshops we spend extended time on those factors that most contribute to project success and failure to help arm project managers, sponsors, and team members. In this episode of the People and Projects Podcast, you'll hear from one my go-to people when it comes to understanding project success and failure: Phil Simon.

    Phil is the author of the acclaimed book Why New Systems Fail: Theory and Practice Collide. If you have a large scale project kicking off soon, I strongly recommend you contact Phil to see how his organization can help you avoid the many landmines he lays out in his book. You can learn more about Phil at his website: http://www.philsimonsystems.com/.

    Thank you for listening to the People and Projects Podcast! I invite you to tell your friends and colleagues about us. Some of the best free learning available these days is on podcasts, and it would be a real pleasure for me to share these interviews with those you know. You can subscribe to the People and Projects Podcast on iTunes by going to http://bit.ly/ppcast.

    Here's to your project success!

  • PPP 013 | Managing Politics and Conflict in Projects, with author Brian Irwin, PMP

    Total Duration 28:20

    Download episode 13

    Hello! Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast.

    I'm over in Europe this week facilitating a project management workshop for a great international company. Though I'm thousands of miles from home in a culture and language that is notably different from my own, I find a couple things remain the same:if you want to deliver projects and lead teams anywhere in this world, you're going to have to deal with conflict and organizational politics.

    It's just a reality of working with people.

    When I think of politics with projects, I think of my colleague Brian Irwin, PMP. Brian is the author of Managing Politics and Conflict in Projects, published by Management Concepts and is a contributing author to the book The 77 Deadly Sins of Project Management (Management Concepts, 2009). I had the opportunity to talk with Brian recently and look forward to sharing that interview with you in this episode.

    How about letting your friends and colleagues know about The People and Projects Podcast! Send them a link to our web page here, or have them look us up on iTunes! It would be a privilege for me to help develop their ability to lead and deliver as well.

    Thank you for joining me today! Have a great week! We'll see you next time on The People and Projects Podcast!

  • PPP 018 | Project Management Beyond PMI, an interview with Bill Duncan, primary author of the original PMBOK(R) Guide

    Total Duration: 30:26

    Download episode 18

    I have the real privilege of helping organizations around the world improve their ability to deliver projects and lead teams. In 2008 we added a PMP®Exam Prep offering to our mix to help project managers who want to get their Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute.

    I have to say this while I can because it's only a matter of time before I won't be able to! So far, every one of our students who have attended our workshops and taken the PMP®certification exam have passed! Now obviously I can't take too much credit for this track record because anyone who wants to pass the PMP®exam must have a fair amount of experience to even apply. In addition, there's plenty of study required. That said, it's totally passable and we can help you.

    If you are a project manager and haven't yet pursued certification, I strongly recommend you consider making it a goal for the coming year. Click here to learn more about PMP®certification.

    Now of course PMP®certification is an obvious option, but did you know there are other well respected, if not as well known, project management certifications? In this cast you'll hear from Bill Duncan. If Bill's name isn't familiar, his work will be to many of you. Bill was the primary author of the original PMBOK® Guide and shares some helpful insights on certification and delivering successful projects.

    To learn more about the American Society for the Advancement of Project Management and the certification Bill talks about in this cast, check out http://www.asapm.org/blog.

    Would you like to help your organization improve its ability to deliver projects more reliably? Our project management series of workshops take well established project management practices and use proven adult learning methods to help you put them into action. Whether you're looking for certification for a selected group of PM's or helping your entire organization improve their project management competencies, our workshops and coaching can help you make a real improvement in the coming year.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! For my Jewish friends I trust you had a very Happy Hanukkah! And for my listeners celebrating Christmas this week, I wish you and those you love a very Merry Christmas! Have a great start to your New Year!

    "PMI and PMP" are trademarks, service marks or certification marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc., which is registered in the United States and other nations.
    Silent Night (Jazz Trio Version) Less Bass by John Stebbe. Used under Creative Commons License Attribution-No Derivative Works 1.0 Generic

    NOTE: This interview was revised on 4/30/2012 at the request of Mr. Duncan.

  • PPP 029 | The Project Success Method, with author Clint Padgett

    Total Duration 22:04

    Download episode 29

    Click here to get your copySo when it comes right down to it... what can you do to better ensure that you successfully deliver the projects you're managing? 

    It's a question I love working with our clients on, and it's a question that is directly addressed in Clint Padgett's book The Project Success Method: A Proven Approach for Achieving Superior Project Performance in as Little as 5 Days. I had the opportunity to talk with Clint recently and look forward to sharing that interview with you in this episode.

    To learn more about Clint and his organization, I invite you to check them out at projectsuccess.com.

    Do you have an upcoming company meeting or retreat? We have keynote presentations that can inspire and motivate your teams to successfully deliver the projects and lead their teamsContact us at 866-884-5323 to learn more.

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 045 | Being a Student of PM, with Josh Nankivel

    Episode Duration 28:27

    Download episode 45

    So, let me ask you.... Are you a student of your profession? Conferences are a great way to invest in your learning--it's one way to remain a student. But how else do you make sure you continue to learn? Listening to this podcast is a clear way to keep growing, and each month we have more premium subscribers who get additional content that supplements these episodes with more personalized coaching.

    For this episode I wanted to focus on those who are in project management roles or who aspire to be there someday. There are many great resources for being a student of project management. And one of my favorite resources is pmStudent.

    Josh also mentioned the following sites:

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 049 | Managing Project Risks (Part 1) with Dr. David Hillson

    Total Duration 22:10

    Download episode 49

    What comes to mind when you think of the term "risk"? In our workshops and keynotes regarding project management, the topic of risk inevitably is talked about, and in those discussions, it's clear that one's views and attitudes about risk significantly impact how a project is managed.

    A problem with risk is when we lose perspective on it. For example, "I won't get out of bed today because something bad could happen." But then there's flip side as well, where we leap from the platform exclaiming, "I hope the bungee cord is attached!"

    Whether at work or in life, there are an endless number of things we could worry about, and I know plenty of leaders that admit they are good worriers! It's been said that one of the best antidotes for anxiety is action, and a way to move your team and project from worrying to action is risk management.

    To talk about this issue I went to one of the clearest and most prolific voices on the topic, Dr. David Hillson. I've split my discussion with David into two episodes and look forward to sharing this first portion with you in this episode.

    You can learn more about David Hillson at his website http://www.risk-doctor.com. You'll find helpful articles and links related to risk management.

    In the second portion of this interview, David recommends a couple of specific books, including Exploiting Future Uncertainty and Managing Risk in Projects. Also, you may want to check out Dr. Hillson's newest book The Failure Files: Perspectives on Failure.

    Join me in the next episode, where Dr. David Hillson and I talk about how to take the next step with risk management in your organization.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 050 | Managing Project Risks (Part 2) with Dr. David Hillson

    Total Duration 16:31

    Download episode 50

    In our last episode I began a discussion with Dr. David Hillson from the U.K. regarding risks and risk attitudes. In this episode, David and I continue that conversation focusing on how we can help our organizations take the next step in implementing risk management practices.

    David recommended a couple of specific books in this discussion, including Exploiting Future Uncertainty and Managing Risk in Projects. Also, you may want to check out Dr. Hillson's newest book The Failure Files: Perspectives on Failure.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 057 | Rescuing the Problem Project, with author Todd C. Williams, PMP

    Total Duration 33:53

    Download episode 57

    Lead projects long enough and eventually you'll have to deal with the problem project. Whether you were involved with the project from the beginning or inheriting problems from someone else, the reality is we need to be able to rescue the problem project.

    That's not only true--it's also the name of a new book from Todd C. Williams, PMP. In this episode I talk with Todd about ideas and recommendations from his book Rescue the Problem Project: A Complete Guide to Identifying, Preventing, and Recovering from Project Failure.

    You can learn more about Todd by visiting http://ecaminc.com/. His blog Back From Red can be found at http://ecaminc.com/index.php/blog.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 072.1 | How to Lead Better Project Meetings

    Free Premium Episode

    Thank you for joining me for this premium episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Did you know that many of your colleagues invest their development by becoming a premium subscriber to this podcast?

    To give you a sense of the extra coaching they get each month, I'm including this premium episode into our standard free podcast feed. You can learn more about Premium Subscrptions at bit.ly/PremiumSubscribe. 


    Oh, how we love to hate meetings! In this premium video episode I share 10 keys to lead more effective project meetings. At the end you're invited to join the conversation! What are the most important lessons you've learned? Leave your response in a comment here or on our Facebook page.

    Thank you for subscribing to The People and Projects Podcast!

    Total Duration: 23:45

    Download the video episode

  • PPP 074 | How Agile Are You? An interview with author Andy Crowe, PMP, PgMP, PMI-ACP

    Agile is getting plenty of attention these days and for good reasons. When done well on aligned projects, great customer value can be delivered.

    Many people who listen to this podcast are certified PMP’s or are at least considering certification in the future. You may be aware that Project Management Institute has a relatively new agile certification: the PMI-ACP℠. One of the best new books available to help people pass the ACP exam is from Andy Crowe. You likely know Andy as the author of the popular book entitled The PMP®Exam: How to Pass on Your First Try. Andy recently released The PMI-ACP Exam: How To Pass On Your First Try.

    In this episode, I talk with Andy about agile, about the certification, and about project management overall.

    Links to Resources

    To learn more from Andy, check out his blog at http://www.velociteach.com/blog/. I invite you to check out his books on Amazon, including

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 23:54

    Download episode 74

    "PMI", "PMBOK, "PMP®" and "PMI-ACP" are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

  • PPP 074.1 | Premium Follow-up on the Andy Crowe Interview

    So have you spent some time trying to better understand agile project management? I know some of our premium subscribers are avid agile practitioners, so good for you. But for many people, it's a topic that you know you should be looking into more but have been standing on the sidelines for too long. In this premium episode I follow-up on some points from my discussion with Andy Crowe about agile project management.

    Thank you for being a premium subscriber to The People and Projects Podcast!

    Total Duration 7:48

    Download the premium episode

    "PMI", "PMBOK, "PMP®" and "PMI-ACP" are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

  • PPP 079 | Meeting the Deadline, Part 1 of an Interview with Tom DeMarco

    The Deadline

    A couple months back I was teaching a PMP®Exam Prep workshop. One of the participants mentioned that he was reading Tom DeMarco's book entitled The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management. It's a book that I had wanted to read many times since it was originally published in the late 1990's but it never bubbled up to the top of my book list. But when this workshop participant continued to rave about the book, it ended up on my iPad Kindle Reader before the day was done. And in the coming days I couldn't put the book down.

    If you're not in the software side of project management or leadership, you might not have heard of Tom DeMarco before. But if you do work on that side of the house, Tom DeMarco has likely impacted you and your job more than you know. He's been a leading thinker and practitioner in this space for decades, and in the next two episodes, you have a great opportunity to hear from this industry giant. Even if you're not in the software development arena, you'll get some practical insights from this exceptionally insightful thinker on how to deliver your projects and lead teams.

    More Tom DeMarco

    To get your copy of The Deadline, click here Join us in the next episode when Tom will address topics such as knowing what we don't know, dealing with jerk bosses, and what he writes and speaks about but has trouble doing himself.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 17:44

    Download episode 79

  • PPP 080 | Meeting the Deadline, Part 2 of an Interview with Tom DeMarco

    The Deadline

    In this episode I continue my discussion with Tom DeMarco, with insights related to his writing in books such as The Deadline. If you didn't listen to the first part of my interview with Tom, I recommend you listen to that one before continuing. In this episode Tom addresses topics such as knowing what we don’t know, dealing with jerk bosses, and what he writes and speaks about but has trouble doing himself. Make sure to stay tuned after the interview for a very transparent story from Tom about his career.

    Tom DeMarco Resources

    Want more from Tom DeMarco? Here are some recommended resources:

    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 18:18

    Download episode 80

  • PPP 080.1 | Free Premium Episode: Follow-up to the Tom DeMarco Interview

    Free Premium Episode

    I am immensely thankful for the many people who are premium subscribers to the People and Projects Podcast. By making this investment in their personal development, they receive extra episodes for additional insights into the topics covered by our free episodes. In addition, this investment helps cover part of our costs for our free episodes. So here's a big thank you to our Premium Subscribers!

    To give you an idea of what Premium Subscribers get with each episode, I'm including this Premium episode in the free podcast stream. If you'd like to get these additional episodes each month to further your application of the material, please go to http://bit.ly/PremiumSubscribe to learn more.

    Follow-Up to the Tom DeMarco Interview

    I trust you had the opportunity to listen to both episodes of my interview with Tom DeMarco.He's a guy who has uniquely impacted the world of projects, and it was certainly a pleasure for me to talk with him. His books are insightful, practical, and even a bit a quirky (in a good way) at times. But I'm confident that if you're in the software development side of project management or leadership, you'll get value from his books.

    In this premium episode, I follow-up on some issues that Tom and I touched on that are relevant whether or not your projects are related to software development. Tom's ideas truly span further than that domain. I cover topics such as:

    • The myth of "The more pressure, the better"
    • Why having only a 50%-70% likelihood of success could be a good thing
    • Why stressed brains do not learn the same way as non-stressed brains
    • Where the line crosses between stress being a good thing and it becoming a dangerous thing
    • One additional factor that impacts workplace stress and productivity (and it's none of your business!)
    • Why it can help to realize that all your team members are volunteer employees
    • Max DePree's secret for learning how effective of a leader you are
    • "It's not what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that just isn't so."
    • Are we changing people or just amusing them?


    Resources that I refer to during this premium episode include:

    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for being a Premium Subscriber to The People and Projects Podcast! I greatly appreciate this opportunity to be part of your personal development strategy. Have a great week!

    Total Duration 11:22

    Download the Premium Episode

  • PPP 081 | Everything's a Project, with author and CEO Ben Snyder

    Everything's a Project

    Everything's a Project.... That's not only a great name for a book--which it is--but it's also a great way to look at many things at work and in life. Looking for a job? It's a project. Need to create a report for your boss? It's likely a project. Looking for ways to develop your skills? You guessed it--your personal development is a project.

    Now, of course, not everything is a project. But most leaders would benefit if we thought of our work as projects and applied lessons that we've learned from the world of project management.

    Well, Everything's a Project: 70 Lessons From Successful Project-Driven Organizations is the title of a book published earlier this year by my friend and colleague Ben Snyder. In this episode I look forward to sharing with you a recent discussion I had with Ben about his new book. Don't miss the normal end of episode outtakes!

    More About Ben

    To learn more about Ben and his organization, check out http://www.systemation.com.

    Keynotes for Your Company Meeting

    Hey, I have a quick idea for you: Many organizations hold department or company meetings in the last half of the year or to kick off a new year. It could just be that someone in your company is planning one of those right now! I invite you to recommend one of our keynotes or workshops for that meeting. We have a series of sessions designed to help you and your organization lead and deliver. They are practical, interactive, motivating, and ultimately results-oriented. If you like what you hear on this podcast, it's even better live! And if you reserve a session before the end of September, I'd be glad to extend a 20% discount to the fee for podcast listeners. Visit http://www.i-leadonline.com/documents/AndyKaufmanBrochure.pdf to learn more.

    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 20:12

    Download episode 81

  • PPP 081.1 | Premium Follow-Up to the Interview with Ben Snyder

    Everything's a Project

    OK, I have a confession to make! You'll have to listen to this premium episode to catch it.

    Beyond the confession, this premium episode includes additional coaching on topics that Ben and I discussed during the interview. Enjoy!

    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 9:34

    Download the premium episode

  • PPP 089 | In the Trenches with Ryan Endres

    In The Trenches.... Like You

    A month or so ago I was talking with listener Mike Settlemire. Mike was participating in our Advanced Project Management e-learning program and we were talking about the podcast. Mike had a suggestion: what about interviewing practitioners? People who are leading and delivering in the real world?

    Insights from Your Peers, Not Authors

    Hey, I love bringing you discussions with people like John Kotter, Dan Pink, Kerry Patterson, Adam Grant, and the many other guests we have had thus far. And we will continue to deliver interviews from authors of books that can stretch and inform us to better lead and deliver.

    But I think Mike is exactly right! Some times it can be just as effective to hear from a peer. What does he or she do to help them lead and deliver? What has led to their success and what would they do over?

    Introducing Ryan Endres

    Our first installment of our In the Trenches series is with Ryan Endres, PMP. In the interview Ryan shares insights and lessons that have helped him successfully lead and deliver.

    During the discussion, Ryan mentions the following resources:

    In the interview, Ryan mentions a status report that he loves to use. Ryan was gracious enough to share it with us. Click the icon below to download the Microsoft Word file:

    20 PDUs for a Great Price!

    Whether you need contact hours for PMP®certification or PDUs, we can help! Our e-learning is engaging, informative, and even fun. Go to http://courses.i-leadonline.com/courses/advanced-project-management to get 20 PDU's for a great price. If you need contact hours to prepare for your PMP, check our PMP®Prep e-learning at http://courses.i-leadonline.com/bundles/pm-certification-exam-prep.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 24:13

    Download episode 89


    JARDINS DU LUXEMBOURG by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

  • PPP 091 | You Can Be a Better Writer, with Tips from Bryan A. Garner

    Total Duration 23:44

    Download episode 91


    So, how do you feel when each of the following occurs?

    • You come across a typo in a project document.
    • You receive an e-mail that is pages and pages long.
    • Someone hits Reply All and there are hundreds of people on copy.
    • You're stuck in a meeting listening to a presenter who has mastered every business cliche in the book!

    Yuck. We're living in a business climate where writing skills matter so much but get so little attention.

    Tips for Better Business Writing

    Ever sit there in front of your monitor, your keyboard anxiously waiting for you to start typing your communication and you just feel stuck? Wouldn't it be great if there was a concise guide to improve your business writing?

    Thankfully, there is! My guest in this episode is Professor Bryan A. Garner. He is the author of over 20 books, including Garner's Modern American Usage, Black's Law Dictionary (editor-in-chief), and the grammar and usage chapter in the venerable The Chicago Manual of Style. Brian recently published The HBR Guide to Better Business Writing, published by Harvard Business Review Press.

    If you want to raise the bar and think outside the box to leverage best practices in business writing, well, um, just listen to this interview with Bryan! You can learn more about Bryan and his organization at http://www.lawprose.org.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Business Jargon Gone Wild

    It's so easy for me to succumb to bizspeak. In the spirit of mocking business jargon, here's a 2-minute video from some friends in the U.K.:

    Sentimental-Fields 3 All Kinds Of Gibberish Sounds by The Superfools is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareALike License.

    Talk to Me by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.


  • PPP 092 | In the Trenches, with Kiron Bondale, PMP

    Introducing Kiron Bondale, PMP

    We continue our In the Trenches series of episodes, with this interview with Kiron Bondale, PMP. Kiron runs the Project Management Office at Agricorp. Make sure to check out Kiron's insightful blog at http://kbondale.wordpress.com.

    Kiron has graciously offered to share a risk register template with listeners of The People and Projects Podcast. Click the icon below to download the Microsoft Excel file:

    20 PDUs for a Great Price!

    Whether you need contact hours for PMP®certification or PDUs, we can help! Our e-learning is engaging, informative, and even fun. Go to http://courses.i-leadonline.com/courses/advanced-project-management to get 20 PDU's for a great price. 


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 15:54

    Download episode 92


    FIREWORKS by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

  • PPP 095 | Agile Project Management and the PMI-ACP® Certification

    Adapt. Deliver. Fast.

    If you are in the business of delivering projects, especially in the area of software development, you have certainly heard about agile project management. A good sign that the influence of agile continues to grow is when the Project Management Institute created the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner credential (PMI-ACP®) in 2012.

    If you are actively involved with agile in any of its many forms, it's worth learning more about the PMI-ACP certification. And if you're not currently utilizing agile practices, it's worth investing time to understand what it is and isn't.

    Welcoming Back Cornelius Fichtner, PMP

    In this episode, I welcome back my friend and podcast colleague Cornelius Fichtner, whom you probably know as the voice of The Project Management Podcast. In this episode I talk with Cornelius about agile, the PMI-ACP certification, and a new way to study for the PMI-ACP that might just fit your style of learning.

    Try the Agile PrepCast™

    If you want to study to pass the PMI-ACP exam, check out The Agile PrepCast. Cornelius and his team have been working for over a year to make this a critical resource in your preparation. Similar to his PM PrepCast offering, the learning is delivered via a podcast stream so you can watch or listen to it in a manner that is convenient to your work and lifestyle.

    For years I have been affiliate of Cornelius' products and it is with great confidence that I recommend the Agile PrepCast to you.

    Add Your Voice to Our Podcast!

    Are you a regular listener to The People and Projects Podcast? I'd love to have your voice added to the beginning or end of the cast. Just send me an e-mail saying "I'd love to help!" I would love to have the opportunity to talk with you directly so contact me today and we'll set up a time to record your piece.

    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 36:19

    Download episode 95


    A Little Agile Humor

    My favorite agilists tend to be people who don't take themselves too seriously. Enjoy!

    FASTER DOES IT by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

    "PMI" and "PMI-ACP" are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.

  • PPP 096 | In the Trenches, with Paul Weber, PMP

    Introducing Paul Weber, PMP

    We continue our In the Trenches series with this discussion with Paul Weber, PMP.
    Paul shares insights and lessons he's learned in his years of leading teams and delivering projects.

    To learn more about Paul and to contact him about the free EVM and PERT calculators mentioned in this episode, go to http://www.pmpguy44.com.


    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 21:50

    Download episode 96


    Bob Sutton on Power Poisoning

    Paul warned us to make sure we don't think of leadership as being the boss, or being bossy. Here's one of my favorite authors talking about power poisoning, the effect that happens when someone gets power.

    NO GOOD LAYABOUT by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

  • PPP 101 | In the Trenches, with Mike Durbin, PMP

    Episode Duration 20:29

    Download episode 101

    Introducing Mike Durbin, PMP

    We continue our In the Trenches series with this discussion with Mike Durbin, PMP.Mike shares insights and lessons he's learned in his years of leading teams and delivering projects.

    Get PDUs or Contact Hours For Less!

    Want to get 35 PDUs or contact hours for a great price? Check out our PMP®Exam Prep e-learning at http://courses.i-leadonline.com/bundles/pm-certification-exam-prep. This is a great option, whether you're preparing for the exam or want to refresh your knowledge for PDU's.

    Add Your Voice to Our Podcast!

    Are you a regular listener to The People and Projects Podcast? I'd love to have your voice added to the beginning or end of the cast. Just send me an e-mail saying "I'd love to help!" I would love to have the opportunity to talk with you directly so contact me today and we'll set up a time to record your piece.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!


    Drive by Management

    Some Zig Quotes

    Mike mentions a Zig Ziglar quote during the interview. Here's a sampling of the wisdom of the late Zig Ziglar.

    GOODWILL COWBOYS RIDE AGAIN by Michael Chapman & The Woodpiles is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

    MARATHON MAN by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    ACOUSTIC BLUES by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    CHIADO by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

    LEARNED MY LESSONS by Jenny O is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.

  • PPP 116 | Why Projects Fail (and How We Can Fix That), with Jim Johnson from The Standish Group

    Total Duration 27:05

    Download episode 116

    Never Had a Failed Project?

    Have you ever had a project that failed? Be careful--this is a truth test! If someone tells you they always deliver on time, on budget, with all the specified scope, be wary! Delivering projects successfully every time sounds great in an interview but a challenge in the real world.

    My guest today is Jim Johnson, Founder and Chairman of The Standish Group. Jim has a passion to understand why things break and how to fix them. In this discussion we talk about why projects break, and some ideas on how to improve the likelihood of successfully delivering.

    You can learn more about Jim and The Standish Group at http://www.StandishGroup.com.

    Call Me!

    Why do you listen to The People and Projects Podcast? What has helped you? What questions do you have for me? I love hearing from listeners and I want to hear from you! So call me! You can leave a message on our Podcast Listener Feedback line by phone or Skype. You can leave a message by phone at 847-550-3747 or by Skype at andy.kaufman.i-lead. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SKIPPY by Podington Bear is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

    LIES by Devora Clark is licensed under a Creative Commons License Agreement.

    CANDLEPOWER by Chris Zabriskie is licensed by Attribution License.

  • PPP 117 | People and Projects Podcast Webinar Replay: Coach Cast and Jim Johnson Interview

    Total Duration 53:02

    Download episode 117

    On a regular basis, we invite listeners of The People and Projects Podcast to gather for a follow-up webinar. These webinars allow us to go into more detail on the content from one or more previous episodes.

    This video episode is a replay of our follow-up webinar on Episodes 115 and 116. Please join us for future webinars!

    DAYDREAM HEARTBEAT by Podington Bear is licensed under Attribution-NonCommerical 3.0 International License.

  • PPP 126 | The Most Important Lesson You Learned Last Year

    Total Duration 31:53

    Download episode 126

    What Did You Learn Last Year?

    What's something specific you've learned in the last 12 months that you either didn't know before then or you had to re-learn it? That's a question I asked some of my favorite continual learners--friends and colleagues who are committed to developing their abilities.

    In this episode you'll hear from:

    Share Your Lesson!

    Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). What did you learn last year? I look forward to hearing from you!


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Here's to a great start to the year!


  • PPP 128 | How Project Managers Become Project Leaders, with author Susanne Madsen

    Total Duration 37:00

    Download episode 128

    Not Just Managing But Leading

    I'm happy to welcome Susanne Madsen to the podcast. Susanne recently published The Power of Project Leadership: 7 Keys to Help You Transform from Project Manager to Project Leader.

    Learn more about Susanne and her book at http://www.powerofprojectleadership.com/.

    Grow Your Leadership Skills

    If you're interested in developing your leadership skills, I have an idea for you. Our Leadership Fast Track Program fires up again in June. You are cordially invited to join me and others from around the world in this program that combines assessments, learning sessions, and one-on-one coaching. I facilitate each of the learning sessions live, over the web, which means you can participate regardless of where you live. In our one-on-one coaching sessions, I'll work directly with you to help you take the next step in your ability to lead and deliver. Plus, the program earns you 20 PDU's if you're a PMP.

    To learn more and take advantage of the early-bird discount, visit LeadershipFastTrackProgram.com.

    Tell Your Friends!

    As our college intern says in the opening of this episode, we'd love to let more people know about The People and Projects Podcast. How about you tell some friends and colleagues about us? If nothing else, it will make Zach look like he's really good at his job. :)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    WINNER WINNER and RETRO FUTURE CLEAN by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed underCreative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  • PPP 131 | Honoring a Project Management Legacy, with Max Wideman

    Total Duration 36:07

    Download episode 131

    A Lifetime of Commitment to Project Management

    In this episode, we speak with Max Wideman, one of the original authors of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (in fact, he coined the term "PMBOK Guide"). Today Max continues to share his insights on project management on his information-packed website MaxWideman.com.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    DESPAIR AND TRIUMPH by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed underCreative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    BLANKS and NETHERLAND by Podington Bear Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  • PPP 152 | How Scrum Helps You Do Twice the Work in Half the Time, with Scrum inventor and co-creator Jeff Sutherland

    Total Duration 41:32

    Download episode 152

    Too Good to Be True?

    In this episode, I welcome Scrum inventor and co-creator Jeff Sutherland. He's the author of Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Does getting twice the work done in half the time sound like a promise that's too good to be true? Well, read Jeff's book and you'll find this isn't just conjecture. There's evidence that Scrum could radically help you and your team more reliably deliver your projects.

    Learn more about Jeff and his company at http://ScrumInc.com. Also, you can find the Scrum Guides at http://ScrumGuides.org.

    Join me for a Free Webinar

    Want to learn more about how to deliver successfully when you're faced with uncertainty? I'm leading a free webinar for listeners of The People and Projects Podcast. Join me on Thursday, 4 August, 2016 at 11:00am Central (GMT-5). Register for free at http://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/Webinar.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    DEADLY ROULETTE by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    DISTRICT FOUR by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    TOO GOOD IS TRUE by Rascal Flatts available on Amazon at http://amzn.to/2acevzE

  • PPP 155 | How to Keep Your Project Stakeholders Engaged, with Dr. Lynda Bourne

    Total Duration 48:22

    Download episode 155

    You Have More Stakeholders Than You Realize

    One of the primary reasons so much of our emphasis on The People and Projects Podcast is on the people side of our profession is because that is often the biggest struggle. In many ways, project management is really people management, and learning how to navigate the people side of our projects is critical for sustained success.

    In today's episode, we focus on the topic of stakeholder management. We're joined by Dr. Lynda Bourne, author of Making Projects Work: Effective Stakeholder and Communication Management. You can learn more about Lynda, including information about the Stakeholder Circle® at http://www.stakeholdermapping.com/.

    Get Your PDUs

    Want to get your PDUs for listening to The People and Projects Podcast? Click here to learn everything you need to know.

    Also, contact me to get a coupon code that takes $100 USD off the price of our Advanced Project Management e-learning (worth 20 PDUs). You can contact me at .

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    FUNKORAMA by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    STAKEHOLDER by Tofubeats available on Amazon at http://amzn.to/23yvo8t

  • PPP 159 | The Most Important Lesson You Learned Last Year

    Total Duration 39:48

    Download episode 159

    What Did You Learn Last Year?

    What's something specific you've learned in the last 12 months that you either didn't know before then or you had to re-learn it? That's a question I asked some of my favorite continual learners--friends and colleagues who are committed to developing their abilities.

    In this episode you'll hear from:

    Share Your Lesson!

    Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). What did you learn last year? I look forward to hearing from you!


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Here's to a great year ahead!


    THIS IS THE NEW YEAR by A Great Big World available on Amazon at http://amzn.to/2idlj1U

  • PPP 165 | Why MacGyver Would Be a Great (and Happy) Project Manager

    Total Duration 46:13

    Download episode 165

    Constraints are.... Good?

    Timeframes. Budgets. Staffing. Project managers constantly face confounding constraints on their journey to deliver a project. Constraints limit our options. They seem to make it more difficult to deliver. And they might be exactly what we need, according to author Scott Sonenshein. Scott is the author of the new book Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less--and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined. Scott relates why being MacGyver-like, adaptable to the constraints we encounter, can help us not only be more successful, but happier as well.

    Learn more about Scott at http://www.scottsonenshein.com/

    Have Andy Speak at Your Company!

    I spend most of my weekdays delivering project management and leadership workshops and keynotes at companies and conferences. Visit http://www.i-leadonline.com/workshops to learn more about how we can help you and your teams learn how to lead and deliver.

    Also, learn more about our e-learning course about developing stakeholder relationships by visiting http://courses.i-leadonline.com/courses/the-dirty-little-secret-of-business.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    OCTOBLUES, PORCH BLUES, and MATT'S BLUES by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 172 | (Video) What You Need to Know About Critical Path

    What's So Critical About Critical Path?

    If you're preparing for taking the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam, you need to know how to calculate critical path by hand. Beyond the exam, what's important is to truly understand how critical path can help you manage your project. Too often, critical path is a red line on a Gantt chart, with little attention paid to it. In this episode, I share a video from our project management e-learning course entitled The Essentials of Project Management. Here's what you need to know about critical path!

    Let Me Hear From You!

    Please give us feedback about The People and Projects Podcast! Take our Listener Survey at http://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey. Thank you!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 21:24

    Download episode 172

    ENTER THE PARTY by Kevin McLeod Licensed under an Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 182 | Project Management Expert Interview with Dr. Mike Clayton

    Total Duration 49:03

    Download episode 182

    Expert Insights From a Brilliant Project Manager

    One of the true joys I have in my role is the opportunity to meet and interact with people from all over the world. And when I have the opportunity to spend some time talking with people who have a passion for leading teams and delivering projects, it's particularly fun!

    One of my new friends in the last year is a brilliant project management thought leader from the UK: Dr. Mike Clayton. In this episode, Mike and I talk about subjects including:

    • Stakeholder management, including how to keep stakeholders engaged.
    • Influencing challenging stakeholders and team members.
    • How organizational politics impact how we lead projects.
    • How to manage risks on projects (and what aspect of risk management gets too little attention).

    Learn more about Mike and his online PM courses at http://www.onlinepmcourses.com/about/.

    It's All About Relationships

    As Mike and I talk in this episode, a lot of success leading projects comes down to building relationships. Learn how to more effectively build relationships by signing up for our Dirty Little Secret of Business e-learning course. Earn 1.5 PDUs while learning how to more effectively develop relationships.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    ENTER THE PARTY by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    CHIPPER DOODLE v2 by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 187 | (Video) What You Need to Know About PMOs: Today and In The Future, with Peter Taylor, Bill Dow, and Hussain Bandukwala

    The State of the PMO

    In this video episode, I invite Peter Taylor, Bill Dow, and Hussain Bandukwala to a roundtable discussion about project management offices (PMOs). We have a great interaction about the state of today's PMOs, how to start one and keep it relevant, how to market the PMO and get executive support, how agile is impacting the PMO, and predictions about the future.

    Here's where you can learn more about my guests:

    Let Me Hear From You!

    What's working with the PMO's you see these days? What's not working? What questions do you have from this episode? Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

    Please give us feedback about The People and Projects Podcast! Take our Listener Survey at http://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey. Thank you!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 41:05

    Download episode 187

    FUNKORAMA by Kevin McLeod Licensed under an Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 207 | Accelerating Your Agile Journey, with author Johanna Rothman

    Total Duration 53:40

    Download episode 207

    Your Agile Journey

    If you spend enough time leading projects, you can't miss the fact that agile approaches continue to gain in popularity. What seemed initially relevant to only software development projects is now increasingly being used outside of software.

    Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, agile is not a passing fad. It's also not a cure-all. There are plenty of skeletons and shipwrecks on some people’s journey to agile. In this episode, I'm joined by one of my long-time friends and favorite experts when it comes to leading agile projects: Johanna Rothman. Johanna is the author of a new book entitled Create Your Successful Agile Project, and I'm excited to introduce you to some ideas in the book.

    Learn more about Johanna and her work at https://jrothman.com/.

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day, and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/LinkedIn and send me an invite!

    Also, if you know of a group at your organization that has an upcoming large group gathering and uses outside speakers, let them know about the podcast! I'd love to work with them to help improve their ability to lead and deliver. Learn more at https://i-leadonline.com/keynotes. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    HARD BOILED and STREET PARTY by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 218 | (Video) Don't Just Keep Them Informed. Keep Them Satisfied.

    What I Taught Today

    We continue our series of brief videos about something I've recently taught or learned. Earlier today I was interviewed for an upcoming PMO Virtual Summit. Our discussion was about managing difficult stakeholder situations, and in this 3.5-minute video, I share an idea about the difference between keeping someone informed and keeping them satisfied. The difference is critical when managing your stakeholders.

    Let Me Hear From You!

    What have you been learning lately? What are you reading? Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

    Please give us feedback about The People and Projects Podcast! Take our Listener Survey at http://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey. Thank you!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 3:24

    Download episode 218

  • PPP 253 | Honoring a Project Management Legacy, with PMI Fellow Lee Lambert

    Total Duration 55:15

    Download episode 253

    A Giant in our Field

    It's one thing to make a difference in the short term. It's one thing to be on top for a moment. In today's culture, we cheer for the winner—the one who makes the big splash or wins the big game. In business, it's one thing to show up on, say, Jim Collins' list of Built to Last companies in 1994. It’s a whole different thing to still be exemplary decades later.

    Back in episode 131, we honored the legacy of the truly amazing Max Wideman. Today, I want to celebrate another legacy in our industry. He's not a guy who's made a difference for a day or a year or even a decade. He's building a legacy that's continuing to this day, and for that reason, we're talking with PMI Fellow Lee Lambert.

    Learn more about Lee and his work at https://www.lambertconsultinggroup.com/.

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day, and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/LinkedIn and send me an invite!

    Also, if you know of a group at your organization that has an upcoming large group gathering and uses outside speakers, let them know about the podcast! I'd love to work with them to help improve their ability to lead and deliver. Learn more at https://i-leadonline.com/keynotes. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    PEACEFUL DISRUPTION by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    NETHERLAND by Podington Bear Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

  • PPP 279 | (Video) How to Help Them Understand What's In Scope

    Getting a shared understanding of what's in (and out) of scope is critical for successfully delivering our projects. In this 2-minute snippet, I share some thoughts from an exam prep class I taught today.

    Let Me Hear From You!

    I'd love to hear from you! How do you help keep expectations about scope aligned between your team and your stakeholders? What advice would you share with a new project manager about managing scope?

    Let's connect on LinkedIn and discuss! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Also, what have you been learning lately? What are you reading? Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

    Interested in helping your teams learn how to lead and deliver projects? Contact me to learn more about our keynotes and workshops! Thanks!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management

    Total Duration 1:53 (audio version)

    Download episode 279

  • PPP 285 | Agile for Non-Software Teams, with Gil Broza

    Total Duration 45:28

    Download episode 285

    Check Out the 120VC Project Leadership Program (PLP)

    This episode is sponsored by the 120VC Project Leadership Program, led by my friend J. Scott from 120VC. You may recall my discussion with J back in episode 274 about his book The Irreverent Guide to Project Management. There are so many things I appreciate about J, but one is his passion for the people side of our profession. 120VC has been driving large global transformational Projects successfully for the last 20 years for fortune 500 clients like Trader Joes, Sony Pictures, T-Mobile, & AT&T. J's Project Leadership Program is a practical 14-week virtual & instructor-led learning opportunity. It qualifies for 30 PDUs while teaching you techniques that get proven results.

    J's next cohort starts up on April 22 and he's offering $200 USD off for listeners of the podcast. Register at 120vc.com/plp and use the coupon code People-0422. I highly recommend it!


    Agile: Not Just for Software Projects

    We often think of agile approaches being used for systems or software-related projects. Our guest today is Gil Broza, who recently published a book entitled Agile for Non-Software Teams. In today’s discussion, Gil and I talk about his agile journey, what he means when he refers to agile, and some of the common mistakes people make when embarking on an agile journey. Gil will even share some thoughts about applying agile at home. I look forward to sharing that discussion with you today.

    Learn more about Gil at 3pvantage.com/.

    Related Episodes

    If you would like additional ways to earn free PDUs while learning about agile, check out these episodes:

    • Episode 84 with Gil, talking about his book The Human Side of Agile
    • Episode 74 with Andy Crowe for his perspectives on about agile
    • Episode 95 with Cornelius Fichtner about the PMI-ACP certification
    • Episode 207 with Johanna Rothman about her book Create Your Successful Agile Project

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/LinkedIn and send me an invite!

    Also, all of our workshops and keynotes are available in a virtual format. Concerned about travel with the coronavirus pandemic? We can help you invest in your team without requiring travel. Learn more at https://i-leadonline.com/keynotes. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


    Adding the Sun by Kevin MacLeod
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5708-adding-the-sun
    License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Pop Cinematic Credits by Rafael Krux
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5586-pop-cinematic-credits-
    License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    Being Agile is our favourite thing by ThoughtWorksUK
    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALWHCUNU8Nw

  • PPP 328 | Why You Need to Know about LogFrame, with Terry Dean Schmidt



    Total Duration 37:36

    Earn free PDUs while learning about the LogFrame from Terry Schmidt Download episode 328

    Strategic Project Management

    There's a good chance that right now, as you listen to today’s episode, you’ve been tasked with delivering something that feels big. Perhaps even intimidating. Even if this isn’t you right now, it will be eventually, and today I can’t wait to introduce you to an approach that can help lead you out of the fog.

    I'm joined today by Terry Dean Schmidt, author of Strategic Project Management Made Simple. Though that title might sound like it’s over-selling--that strategic projects can be made simple--I think you’re going to find Terry’s approach to be something that is straightforward and can apply to just about any type of project and life cycle.

    Learn more about Terry and his company at https://www.managementpro.com/about-us/meet-terry/.

    You can get your own free P.R.O.J.E.C.T.S. Daily checklist to serve as a reminder of the beliefs, attitudes, and mindsets to keep you focused. Get yours here.

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/LinkedIn and Follow me (I've maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I'll Follow you back!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


    Dionysos by Sascha Ende®
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6991-dionysos
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    On Fire by Sascha Ende®
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/5147-on-fire
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 336 | Project Success Rates Suck. Here’s What To Do About It, with Clint Padgett

    Total Duration 40:49

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to deliver projects Download episode 336

    How to Deliver Projects

    Let’s say a boss comes up to you and says, “Hey, our senior leadership team just authorized this big new project. I’m assigning it to you and need it delivered in the next 14 weeks. We’re counting on you. Good luck!”

    What’s going through your mind at this point? Maybe you’re excited about the opportunity, which is great. But a lot of times people are thinking, “How in the world am I supposed to deliver all of that, in that timeframe, when I’m already overbooked with other projects! And so is everyone else I’ll need!”

    So what do you do?

    Clint Padgett joins us again to talk about his new book entitled How Teams Triumph: Managing By Commitment. If you're looking for insights on how to deliver challenging projects, this is a book you'll want to read.

    Learn more about Clint and his book at ProjectSuccess.com.

    Additional Resources

    You can find my previous discussion with Clint in episode 29.

    Join our Global LEAD52 Community

    Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? LEAD52 is your 5-minute weekly pass to leadership intelligence. You get 52 weeks of learning, delivered right to your inbox, taking less than 5 minutes a week. And it's all for free. Join us at https://GetLEAD52.com.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


    When I'm Gone by Ramol
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6794-when-i-m-gone
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Chilled Summer Piano by chilledmusic
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8145-chilled-summer-piano-
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 346 | Lessons from a Successful Project Manager, with Donna Gregorio


    Total Duration 33:05

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to sucessfully deliver projects Download episode 346

    Lessons from a Successful Project Manager (and Business Analyst)

    One of the joys of hosting this podcast is introducing you to a wide group of authors and practitioners. I’m constantly on the lookout for resources to help us on this mission and today I’m glad to introduce you to Donna Gregorio. Donna is a practicing PM and wrote an easy-to-read book entitled The Successful Project Manager: Practical Guidance from Lessons Learned.

    In today’s discussion, Donna will tell us how her background as a business analyst feeds her ability to be a better project manager. And vice versa. She’ll talk about what it means to really lead a project—and to be a trusted advisor—not just a task tracker. Donna will share some lessons learned about work breakdown structures, change management, and agile. And she wraps up the conversation with some career advice that I think you’ll find helpful. It's a fun, practical discussion that I look forward to sharing with you today.

    Learn more about Donna at DonnaGregorio.com.

    Join our Global LEAD52 Community

    Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? LEAD52 is your 5-minute weekly pass to leadership intelligence. You get 52 weeks of learning, delivered right to your inbox, taking less than 5 minutes a week. And it's all for free. Join us at https://GetLEAD52.com.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


    Science for Hope by MusicLFiles
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8814-science-for-hope
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/3788-funkorama
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 351 | How To Deal With the Predictable and Avoidable Pitfalls Every Project Faces, with Kimberly Wiefling


    Total Duration 44:34

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to deliver projects as a scrappy project manager Download episode 351

    Scrappy Project Management

    Too much project management education--including what you find on bookshelves at stores--is dry. Seemingly impractical and irrelevant. I'm constantly on the lookout for people who are practical and inspiring voices on helping us get better at leading teams and delivering projects.

    In this episode, I'm excited to introduce you to Kimberly Wiefling, author of a number of Scrappy Project Management.

    In today's discussion, Kimberly will help us understand what it means to be scrappy--and why it's important. We'll talk about some of the predictable and avoidable pitfalls that plague our projects. You'll learn what her Project Success Scorecard is and how it can help you and your team. Kimberly will share insights on dealing with risks and assumptions AND why she recommends you never say No, even to the most ridiculous demands.

    Kimberly is as fun as she is brilliant. Learn more about her work at Wiefling.com.

    For more content related to today's episodes, check out:

    • Episode 274 with J. Scott about his book The Irreverent Guide to Project Management
    • Episode 336 with Clint Padgett about his book How Teams Triumph

    Join our Global LEAD52 Community

    Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? LEAD52 is your 5-minute weekly pass to leadership intelligence. You get 52 weeks of learning, delivered right to your inbox, taking less than 5 minutes a week. And it's all for free. Join us at https://GetLEAD52.com.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


    Workout by Brian Holtz Music
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8600-workout
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Disco of the 70's by Frank Schröter
    Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/8298-disco-of-the-70-s
    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 364 | Helping Students Prepare For Their Future (and Pass Their Chem Exam Next Week)

    Total Duration 25:15

    Earn free PDUs while learning how your kids are project managers Download episode 364

    Your Kids Are Project Managers

    As I’ve often joked on this podcast, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an 8-year-old child telling their parent, “Mommy, someday I want to be a project manager!” To the contrary, it’s something that they got into almost accidentally. They were good in their particular area of expertise, and they were given the opportunity to lead initiatives in that area.

    But what if we learned about project management earlier? In fact, what if high school and college students developed expertise in leading and delivering projects? What difference could that make in their schooling and early careers?

    That’s what we’re talking about in this episode. I’m joined by Grant Johnson, who also happens to be a team member at the company I run. Finding a way to help develop project management capabilities for high school and college-aged students is something he has been tasked with over the last year. And he’s learned a lot in the process.

    In today’s discussion, Grant will talk about why students in this age group should even care. He’ll talk about examples of projects that students take on and how they can start those projects with momentum. Grant will share some tips he’s learned about project management as someone in his early 20s and how it has helped him personally. It’s a discussion I’m looking forward to sharing with you. And let me add that if you’re the parent of someone in this age group, you’re invited to have them listen along with you--or send them a link so they can benefit from this episode as well.

    Learn more about Getting Stuff Done: Project Management for Students at PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/GettingStuffDone.

    Podcast listeners can use a coupon code of gsd100 to save $100 USD.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Technical Project Management


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Funky Upturn by chilledmusic
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/7472-funky-upturn
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Funky Life by WinnieTheMoog
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6040-funky-life
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 384 | Andy Interviews an AI: Introducing PMeLa

    Total Duration 25:30

    Earn free PDUs while learning about project management AI Download episode 384

    Introducing PMeLa

    It’s impossible to avoid hearing about AI these days. From those who praise it to those who warn about an impending apocalypse because of it, there are no shortage of opinions or predictions about it. Instead of talking about the pros and cons or capabilities of AI, we’re going to try something different in this episode.

    Today I’m going to interview an AI!

    To my knowledge, this is the first time a podcast focused on project management and leadership has had an AI guest so thank you for joining me on this inaugural experience!

    My guest today is PMeLa (PM for Project Management and L for Leadership). PMeLA is an AI persona that I’ve been developing for a while now. My goal has been to craft a persona with helpful insights into the world of leading and delivering and in this episode, we’ll find out how she does!

    I think her best moments are actually in the outtakes so stay around until the very end!

    What's a question you'd like to pass by PMeLa? Send them to . I'd love to include your questions in a future episode! Thanks!

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed a new e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Power Skills, Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Lullaby of Light (feat. Cory Friesenhan) by Sascha Ende
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11174-lullaby-of-light-feat-cory-friesenhan
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Laughing Children [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10498-laughing-children-full-version
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 387 | How to Face Project Uncertainty and Still Deliver, with Decision Sprint author Atif Rafiq

    Total Duration 34:57

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to make progress despite uncertainty Download episode 387

    Progress Despite Uncertainty

    One of our recurring themes on the podcast is decision-making. The reality is you are likely facing some decisions you need to make right now. But one of our biggest challenges when facing forks in the road is how to decide when there are so many unknowns--so much uncertainty.

    Well, I have personally benefited from a new book that I wanted to introduce you to. The title is Decision Sprint: The New Way to Innovate into the Unknown and Move from Strategy to Action. This Wall Street Journal best-seller is packed with insights that have benefits for CEOs and senior leaders, for sure. But it’s also applicable to all of us who are responsible for leading teams and delivering projects.

    Learn more about Atif and the Decision Sprint process at DecisionSprint.com/Book.

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Fromage by Steven OBrien
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10409-fromage
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Laughing Children [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10498-laughing-children-full-version
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 405 | How to Deliver Better Results, with Gil Broza

    Total Duration 46:54

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to deliver better results and unlock your organization's potential Download episode 405


    In this episode, Andy Kaufman interviews Gil Broza about his new book, Deliver Better Results: How to Unlock Your Organization's Potential. They discuss the importance of systems thinking in value delivery and the six aspects of system fitness. Gil shares practical strategies for improving value delivery and emphasizes the significance of mindset over tactics. He also provides examples of successful transformations and offers resources available on the book's website.


    • Value delivery should be viewed as a system, not a collection of practices.
    • Systems thinking helps identify the cause-and-effect relationships within a value delivery system.
    • Understanding the effects of choices and actions is crucial for making informed decisions.
    • The Square model provides a framework for assessing system fitness and improving value delivery.
    • Successful transformations require a sequential and incremental approach, focusing on mindset and values.
    • Resources on the book's website offer additional support for implementing the strategies discussed.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 02:22 Start of Interview
    • 03:18 Understanding the Value Delivery System
    • 04:13 Key Ideas from Systems Thinking
    • 07:05 Avoiding Oversimplification in Cause and Effect
    • 08:03 Considering the Effects of Choices and Actions
    • 10:30 Introducing the Square Model
    • 11:55 The Six Aspects of System Fitness
    • 13:50 The Backstory of the Square Model
    • 19:04 Sequential and Incremental Strategies for Improvement
    • 21:25 The Importance of Mindset in Change
    • 22:52 Differentiating Values and Beliefs
    • 25:16 The Significance of Mindset over Tactics
    • 28:08 Helping People Navigate Change
    • 29:47 The Role of Fear in Change
    • 30:05 The Concept of 'Committed, but not Attached'
    • 32:41 Case Study: Agile Transformation in a Startup
    • 39:17 Andy Comments After the Interview
    • 42:32 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Gil and his book at DeliverBetterResultsBook.com. The free chapter that Gil mentioned is available at HeardOnPodcast.DeliverBetterResultsBook.com.

    No Freaking Idea!

    Do you know someone who is in college or maybe recently graduated?

    My experience is there are a growing number of people who dread being asked the question, “So, what’s the plan?” When it comes to their career, they have no freaking idea!

    I bring this up because we have a course entitled just that: No Freaking Idea: How to Navigate Career Uncertainty. It’s a career guide for people who don’t know what they want to do, and it has been so fun to hear the feedback on the course.

    Whether you are wondering about next steps in your career or a son or daughter and you'd like to give them this as a gift, learn more by going to NoFreakingIdea.courses. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Brooklyn Nights by Tim Kulig
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11192-brooklyn-nights
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Quantum Sparks [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10996-quantum-sparks-full-version
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 406 | How to Successfully Lead Teams and Deliver Projects: Career Lessons from Tara Miller

    Total Duration 45:35

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to lead teams and deliver projects Download episode 406


    In this episode, Andy interviews Tara Miller, a successful project manager and the founder of Artemis, a management consulting business. Tara shares her journey into project management and highlights the misconceptions about the role. She also discusses important lessons she has learned about leading people and delivering projects.

    Tara emphasizes the significance of building strong team dynamics and fostering individual connections. She provides practical management practices for leading and delivering projects, such as getting to know team members individually, creating team dynamics, and establishing a shared purpose. She also reflects on her personal journey to success, emphasizing the value of hard work and the support of others.

    Lastly, Tara provides advice for working parents and highlights the benefits of embracing chaos and taking risks. In the outtakes, Andy and Tara discuss the role of AI in project management and the potential impact on the future of work.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:29 Start of Interview
    • 01:51 Tara's Journey to Project Management
    • 04:49 Misunderstandings about Project Management
    • 06:50 Lessons about Leading People and Delivering Projects
    • 09:27 The Project Schedule is the Schedule for How the Project Will Not Occur
    • 11:12 Practical Management Practices for Leading and Delivering Projects
    • 16:24 POP: Personal Operating Profile
    • 19:27 Corporate Mood Ring
    • 20:29 Some of the Biggest People-Related Challenges
    • 22:38 Navigating Change and Stakeholder Management
    • 25:31 Lessons About Being a Successful Woman in Project Management
    • 31:24 Thriving as a Working Parent
    • 38:02 Interview Wrap Up
    • 38:27 Andy Comments After the Interview
    • 40:49 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Tara at ArtemisFactor.com. The Personal Operating Profile (POP) service that Tara mentions is available at HelloLLUNA.com/MakeAPOP.

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Brooklyn Nights by Tim Kulig
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11192-brooklyn-nights
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Quantum Sparks [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10996-quantum-sparks-full-version
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 409 | Beyond Blaming and Cutting Corners: The Leader's Guide to Managing Risk, with author K. Scott Griffith

    Total Duration 53:56

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to manage risk Download episode 409


    In this episode, Andy talks with K. Scott Griffith about his new book, The Leader's Guide to Managing Risk. The book explores the importance of building resilience and reliability in projects, teams, and life.

    The conversation delves into the social and technical aspects of producing results, the need for human-resilient systems, and the impact of at-risk choices and cutting corners. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing risks, as well as creating a culture of safety and employee engagement.

    In this conversation, Scott discusses the importance of managing risks in projects and organizations. He emphasizes the need to create a culture of psychological safety where team members feel empowered to identify and report risks. Scott explains the process of managing risks, including balancing risk and reward, understanding and managing risks, and considering performance-shaping factors. He also highlights the importance of building reliable systems and applies risk management principles to parenting.

    Whether you're a project manager, a leader in your organization, or someone interested in the art and science of risk management, this episode is packed with thought-provoking insights and strategies to help you lead with confidence and navigate uncertainties more effectively.


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 02:52 Start of Interview
    • 04:54 Why Tend to Focus on the People Instead of Systems When Things Fail
    • 06:41 How Much Should You Invest in Mitigating Risks?
    • 10:39 The Difference Between a One Off and a Pattern
    • 13:36 We Often Learn the Wrong Lessons From When Things Go Right
    • 16:27 Defining At-Risk Choices
    • 21:42 How Can We Help Reduce At-Risk Choices?
    • 27:40 How We Can Inadvertently Make It Worse as Leaders
    • 29:42 The Process Doesn't Start With Firing the Manager!
    • 41:04 How This Applies to Parenting
    • 45:07 Interview Wrap Up
    • 45:48 Andy Comments After the Interview
    • 50:19 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Scott and his books at LeadersGuideToManagingRisk.com.

    If you’d like more on this subject, here are some episodes to check out:

    • Episodes 49 and 50, with Dr. David Hillson, the "risk doctor"
    • Episode 240, with Jim Detert about speaking up when it feels risky
    • Episode 379, with Angie Morgan Witkowski about how to look at risk differently

    Check out Beacon by Anvilyard!

    In risk management, anticipating problems is half the battle. Now imagine a tool that brings this foresight into everyday project tracking, where goals are updated automatically, risks are forecasted early, and you're equipped to navigate setbacks before they arise. Beacon, a Jira App offered by our sponsor Anvilyard, gives you this power.

    By integrating with your Jira instance, Beacon makes it seamless to track and forecast the health of your project goals. It flags any goals at risk, giving you the foresight to course correct before your team misses. With Beacon, your team stays aligned and on track, effortlessly navigating toward success. I’ve been impressed with the tool, so check it out. You can learn more and try it for free by going to PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/beacon. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: On Point by Steven O'Brien
    Available at: https://www.steven-obrien.net/
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Energetic & Drive Indie Rock by TaigaSoundProd
    Available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjeI1ViDB-c
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 415 | AI Tools in Project Management: Myths vs. Reality, with Keto Software

    Total Duration 48:12

    Earn free PDUs while learning about AI integration in project management software Download episode 415


    In this episode, Andy is joined by Veijo Hytti and Timothy Bull from Keto Software. They explore the impact of AI on project management and the integration of AI into enterprise software. The discussion addresses the hype and misconceptions surrounding AI, as well as the practical applications and benefits of AI in project management. The discussion also delves into the capabilities of Keto Software and the ways in which AI is seamlessly integrates into their strategic portfolio management software. The conversation explores the challenges, benefits, and ethical considerations of AI integration, as well as the impact of AI on human behavior and decision-making. Wondering what the future implications are of AI in project management? You won't want to miss this discussion.

    Sound Bites

    • "Nearly every software company feels compelled to mention how they had AI integrated into their tools."
    • "You just can't get away from the hype."
    • "We are still humans. Let's stay like that. If we keep it like that, if we treat each other like humans, I wouldn't be that worried."
    • "Be open-minded, be curious, and I would also say, I'd also encourage people to try out some of these systems themselves."
    • "You don't know that until you actually play with it."
    • "The internet democratized information. And now that's what AI is doing, I mean, without having your own kind of insights or data, it will do the same thing for all of us because it's great."


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 02:20 Start of Interview
    • 08:00 Practical Applications of AI in Enterprise Software
    • 10:21 Seamless AI Integration in Project Management Software
    • 27:06 Challenges and Benefits of AI Integration
    • 31:46 Ethical Considerations and Human Impact of AI
    • 35:00 The Future Implications of AI in Project Management
    • 36:42 End of Interview
    • 37:12 Andy Comments After the Interview
    • 40:46 Andy asks PMeLa about the Episode
    • 45:16 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Keto Software at KetoSoftware.com.

    If you’d like more on this subject, here are some episodes to check out:

    • Episodes 384 and 388, with PMeLa, our project management and leadership persona
    • Episode 386, with Andy Tryba about how he is leveraging AI in the companies he leads

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Lullaby of Light Feat by Cory Friesenhan
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Laughing Children Full Version by MusicLFiles
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 420 | Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager, with FranklinCovey's Kory Kogon

    Total Duration 53:55

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to lead and deliver projects Download episode 420


    In this episode, Andy interviews Kory Kogon, FranklinCovey’s Vice President of Content Development, about her updated book, Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager. They discuss the prevalence of unofficial project managers in various industries, especially post-pandemic, and the unique challenges they face. Kory shares insights on foundational behaviors, clarifying expectations, stakeholder management, and risk management.

    The conversation also delves into the significance of accountability and performance discussions, particularly for those leading without formal authority.

    If you lead projects, regardless of your title, this discussion is for you!

    Sound Bites

    • "We often find that at least 80% of the participants in our project management workshops don't have the word project in their title. Yet you could argue that, in many ways, we're all project managers."
    • "The top reasons why projects fail are unclear scope, key stakeholders wanting different things, lack of communication, not knowing the roles, having the wrong people in roles, and scope creep."
    • "Accountability takes on a different lens. It's not punitive. It's mutual accountability."
    • "A cadence of accountability sets up a team that is inspired to want to do the work."


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 02:23 Start of Interview
    • 02:41 In What Ways Are We All Project Managers?
    • 05:09 The Top Reasons Why Projects Struggle
    • 07:45 Clarifying Expectations in Projects
    • 14:06 Identifying and Managing Stakeholders
    • 18:40 Managing Risks in Projects
    • 24:20 The Importance of Accountability
    • 26:36 The Essence of Accountability in Leadership
    • 28:03 Creating a Cadence of Accountability
    • 31:54 Navigating Informal Authority and Performance Conversations
    • 37:26 Clarifying Project Scope and Managing Change
    • 43:36 Interview Wrap-Up
    • 44:25 Andy's Comments After the Interview
    • 47:44 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Kory and her book (and download a sample chapter) at FranklinCovey.com.

    If you’d like more on this subject, check out:

    • Episode 405, with Gil Broza about scaling good project practices across the organization
    • Episode 376, with Nick Sonnenberg about his book Come Up for Air
    • Episode 129, with Kory about her book The Five Choices


    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Brooklyn Nights by Tim Kulig
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Chillhouse by Frank Schroeter
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • PPP 425 | Achieving Low-Stress Success in Project Management, with author James Louttit

    Total Duration 39:44

    Earn free PDUs while learning about managing projects with lower stress Download episode 425


    In this conversation, Andy interviews James Louttit about his book Leading Impactful Teams: Achieving Low-Stress Success in Project Management. They discuss the challenges of leading projects and teams and what it means to be an impactful project manager. James introduces the SAVE meeting facilitation technique and discusses prioritizing value and effort and the importance of transparency, prioritization, and humanity in project management. You'll also learn how Baloo the Bear from the Jungle Book movie was a project management philosopher!

    If you are responsible for leading teams and projects, this is the perfect episode for you!

    Sound Bites

    • "Experience is worth what it costs you. Go out and have the experiences, and some of them are going to be painful, but the learning from them is going to be valuable."
    • "What stakeholders want to see is how seriously you're taking the thing. If it's genuinely urgent and critical, you need to ramp up governance when there's a crisis."
    • "If you're only focusing on high-value, low-effort things, you don't need to use a claw when you pick a pear with a big pawpaw."
    • "Just because something's easy doesn't make it low value. Sometimes the minimum viable product is something we can get out there sooner, and so it might actually have high value."


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:59 Start Of Interview
    • 04:28 Parkinson's Law And Project Management
    • 07:17 What It Means To Be An 'Impactful' Project Manager
    • 09:46 Fatherly Wisdom And Career Influence
    • 11:47 The SAVE Technique For Effective Meetings
    • 16:52 Understanding Value And Effort In Projects
    • 20:45 Understanding Value Estimation
    • 24:27 Handling Project Crises
    • 28:47 Three Levers: Transparency, Prioritization, And Humanity
    • 33:11 Applying Project Management At Home
    • 35:14 Wrap Up
    • 35:56 Andy Comments After The Interview
    • 38:31 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about James and his organization at ImpactfulPM.com.

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Summer Morning Full Version by MusicLFiles
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Tuesday by Sascha Ende
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Excerpt from YouTube video: {LYRICS} The Bare Necessities - balu the bear - The Jungle Book - 1967 - Walt Disney song's available at https://youtu.be/WJizAYb7OAk?si=ZgipVTq-liJDJ2gZ

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