Free Premium Episode

I am immensely thankful for the many people who are premium subscribers to the People and Projects Podcast. By making this investment in their personal development, they receive extra episodes for additional insights into the topics covered by our free episodes. In addition, this investment helps cover part of our costs for our free episodes. So here’s a big thank you to our Premium Subscribers!

To give you an idea of what Premium Subscribers get with each episode, I’m including this Premium episode in the free podcast stream. If you’d like to get these additional episodes each month to further your application of the material, please go to to learn more.

Follow-Up to the Tom DeMarco Interview

I trust you had the opportunity to listen to both episodes of my interview with Tom DeMarco. He’s a guy who has uniquely impacted the world of projects, and it was certainly a pleasure for me to talk with him. His books are insightful, practical, and even a bit a quirky (in a good way) at times. But I’m confident that if you’re in the software development side of project management or leadership, you’ll get value from his books.

In this premium episode, I follow-up on some issues that Tom and I touched on that are relevant whether or not your projects are related to software development. Tom’s ideas truly span further than that domain. I cover topics such as:

  • The myth of “The more pressure, the better”
  • Why having only a 50%-70% likelihood of success could be a good thing
  • Why stressed brains do not learn the same way as non-stressed brains
  • Where the line crosses between stress being a good thing and it becoming a dangerous thing
  • One additional factor that impacts workplace stress and productivity (and it’s none of your business!)
  • Why it can help to realize that all your team members are volunteer employees
  • Max DePree’s secret for learning how effective of a leader you are
  • “It’s not what you don’t know that kills you. It’s what you know that just isn’t so.”
  • Are we changing people or just amusing them?


Resources that I refer to during this premium episode include:

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I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! “Like” it and the join the discussion.

Thank you for being a Premium Subscriber to The People and Projects Podcast! I greatly appreciate this opportunity to be part of your personal development strategy. Have a great week!

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Premium Follow-up to the Tom DeMarco Interview

July 24, 2012

Free Premium Episode

I am immensely thankful for the many people who are premium subscribers to the People and Projects Podcast. By making this investment in their personal development, they receive extra episodes for additional insights into the topics covered by our free episodes. In addition, this investment helps cover part of our costs for our free episodes. So here’s a big thank you to our Premium Subscribers!

To give you an idea of what Premium Subscribers get with each episode, I’m including this Premium episode in the free podcast stream. If you’d like to get these additional episodes each month to further your application of the material, please go to to learn more.

Follow-Up to the Tom DeMarco Interview

I trust you had the opportunity to listen to both episodes of my interview with Tom DeMarco. He’s a guy who has uniquely impacted the world of projects, and it was certainly a pleasure for me to talk with him. His books are insightful, practical, and even a bit a quirky (in a good way) at times. But I’m confident that if you’re in the software development side of project management or leadership, you’ll get value from his books.

In this premium episode, I follow-up on some issues that Tom and I touched on that are relevant whether or not your projects are related to software development. Tom’s ideas truly span further than that domain. I cover topics such as:

  • The myth of “The more pressure, the better”
  • Why having only a 50%-70% likelihood of success could be a good thing
  • Why stressed brains do not learn the same way as non-stressed brains
  • Where the line crosses between stress being a good thing and it becoming a dangerous thing
  • One additional factor that impacts workplace stress and productivity (and it’s none of your business!)
  • Why it can help to realize that all your team members are volunteer employees
  • Max DePree’s secret for learning how effective of a leader you are
  • “It’s not what you don’t know that kills you. It’s what you know that just isn’t so.”
  • Are we changing people or just amusing them?


Resources that I refer to during this premium episode include:

Join our Facebook Page

I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! “Like” it and the join the discussion.

Thank you for being a Premium Subscriber to The People and Projects Podcast! I greatly appreciate this opportunity to be part of your personal development strategy. Have a great week!

Total Duration 11:22

Download the Premium Episode

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