Business Acumen

  • PPP 001 | Why Social Networking Matters

    Total Duration: 11:38

    Download episode 1

    A common theme across my executive coaching clients is related to networking. Often it comes down to the sense there's not enough time to network.

    "Nice idea but I'm too busy!"

    But when I, as a coach, push back on this bias, here's what I find: It's not a time issue. Rather, it's a perception issue. We prioritize those things that we perceive will provide the best return for our attention.

    Bottom-line: networking is often not perceived as sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time.

    Social networking tools provide a technology to facilitate networking. But what are some ways to use these most effectively? How can I make sure I don't waste my time with them? This podcast discusses strategies to help you more actively leverage the power of social networking to enhance your career and improve your ability to lead and deliver.

  • PPP 015 | Is Failure an Option? An interview with Ralph Heath, author of Celebrating Failure

    Total Duration 28:27

    Download episode 15

    OK, here's the situation....You're the security guard at a data center, giving a new security guard a tour of the facility. Near the end of the tour you point to a button on the wall. The button is labeled "Do Not Push". While looking back at the new guard you remark, "See this button? Make sure you never pu...."

    Oops. You accidentally push the button.

    What happens? I'll tell you what happens. Lights out. Systems go dead—immediately. No nice shutdown. You turn pale—you know this isn't good.

    There's more to the story. The systems people can't get the servers restarted right away. When they do, there are problems with the network. Your company is unable to process transactions.... not for 1 hour. Not for 2 hours. It's not until 15 hours later that transactions are flowing through the system.

    Sound scary? This isn't a made up story. It actually happened. Thankfully, you're not in it. But let's say you were... When you get called into the bosses' office, what do you expect them to say?

    What are the odds you'd hear them say, "Kelly, get in here. I want to thank you for helping us see how incomplete our disaster recovery plans were. If it wasn't for you, we would have gone on, maybe for years, falsely thinking we had everything buttoned up. You also helped us learn that our shutdown button is too accessible. We'll put together plans to fix that. Kelly, from all of us in senior management, thank you very much!"

    Not likely? You're right. In fact, in the real world version of this story, the accidental button-pushing security guard got fired. Enough money was lost that management decided "Someone must die! We need flesh!"

    Was this the best way to respond? Though normal, does it fix the problem by firing the guard? My guess is the new guy never pressed the button! But did it really fix things? Or did it just assign blame.

    Ralph Heath is the author of Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big. Just the name of the book made me want to interview Ralph! How often do you hear Celebrate and Failure in the same sentence?

    When things go wrong--even in a big way--what's a leader to do? Can we really celebrate failure without creating a culture of complacence? Could the way we react--such as firing someone in the name of accountability--actually create additional dysfunction?

    These are issues that Ralph wrestles with in his book. I look forward to your feedback on the interview with Ralph in this episode.  Have a great week!

  • PPP 021 | The New Year Money Episode, with author and speaker Matt Bell

    Total Duration 20:49

    Download the episode

    As you start this new year, let me ask you a personal question: How satisfied are you with your financial situation?

    Though it doesn't seem like a question for a podcast on leadership and project management, here's what I've found: there are seemingly endless resources available on the internet to learn more about managing your finances. Yet I find that many of my coaching clients--once I get to know them well enough--confess that financial stress is something they deal with, particularly in this economy.

    Since work/life balance is an important objective for all who desire to lead people and projects, I wanted to invest a cast on the topic of our personal finances. The start of a year is often a great time to reboot old habits to start fresh with new ones.

    When it comes to financial advice I turn to my friend, author, and personal finance expert Matt Bell. I had the opportunity to talk with Matt recently and look forward to sharing the interview with you in this cast.

    To learn more about Matt, check out his website at

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management

  • PPP 025 | Corporate Culture Survival, with Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus, Dr. Ed Schein

    Total Duration: 24:19

    Download episode 25

    It happens regularly... my phone rings, I pick it up, and on the other end I'm talking with someone who's inquiring about bringing us in to deliver a keynote for a company event or training for their organization.

    My first response is not whether I'm available on the dates they're looking for. My first questions are designed to help me understand the problems they're trying to solve. Once I have a good sense of the issues they want to address, I inevitably ask a critical, open-ended question: "Tell me about the culture of your organization?"

    How would you respond to that question? How would you describe your company's culture? Or the culture of your team? How about the project culture at your company--how things get done?

    This is what I've found: understanding organizational culture is critical to being able to deliver projects and lead teams. If I don't have a decent idea of the culture I'm walking into for a keynote, workshop, or coaching session, I flat out won't be effective. It would be like walking in and finding that everyone speaks a foreign language.

    Dr. Ed Schein is a world-renowned MIT professor and expert on organizational culture, and has authored fourteen business books, including The Corporate Culture Survival Guide. When it comes to knowing how to get things done in a company, Ed is one of my heroes, so I was very excited to have the opportunity to speak with him recently.

    This episode contains the first part of my discussion with Dr. Schein, with the remaining to be included in the next cast.

    See Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Schein will focus on his book Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of the People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 026 | How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help. Part 2 of an Interview with Dr. Ed Schein

    Total Duration: 21:17

    Download episode 26

    In our last episode, I started an interview with Dr. Ed Schein, Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus at MIT and author of fourteen business books, including The Corporate Culture Survival Guide. Make sure to listen to that episode if you happened to miss it.

    In this second part of the interview, we turn our attention to Ed's seminal yet highly practical book entitled Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help. Ever wonder why some people find it difficult to ask for help, even when they are "spinning their wheels" with the project tasks? Or why some people just won't take you up on offers to help, even when it's desperately needed?

    In this interview, Ed helps us understand the surprisingly complex dynamics around giving and receiving help. I strongly recommend you get a copy of Ed's books we discuss in these two episodes.

    Thanks for joining us for this episode! Have a great week!

  • PPP 035 | Delivering Projects Through People, with author Dave Po-Chedley, PMP

    Total Duration 32:12

    Download episode 35

    If you've followed this podcast or attended one of my keynotes on project management or leadership, you've likely caught onto my bias that the biggest successes, the biggest joys, the biggest failures, and the biggest stresses often come down to the same thing: people. Project management is ultimately people management.

    Success with people management--and thus project management--can significantly depend on our effectiveness in areas such as communication, influence, and building relationships. One of the freshest voices on the people side of project management is consultant Dave Po-Chedley, PMP, author of Client Relationship Management: How to Turn Client Relationships into a Competitive Advantage. I had the opportunity to catch up with Dave recently and look forward to sharing that interview with you in this episode.

    I invite you to learn more about Dave and the work of Cambridge Consulting ( and

    One last thing: I received a message from a listener that I wanted to share with you:

    Hi Andy,

    I attended your 1-day tutorial at Better Software in June. That session was worth the price of the whole trip. Great, transformative stuff! I have since changed my listening habits in the car: I listen to management podcasts now. I decided to propose the Outlaw Team idea to my boss who leads an entire division in my company. He liked the idea and had me present it to his weekly leadership meeting. All the VPs liked the idea, with some suggestions. I then suggested action items to move it forward. My boss volunteered me to carry the ball. Yikes! Now I have to try and be the Andy Kaufman of our company. Nah. I'll just be me and see where we get. Never thought I'd go from eager student to mentoring others in leadership skills.

    Thanks for your great work! Charlie

    Well, congratulations to Charlie for taking action on the learning

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 038 | How to Manage Your Boss, an interview with author and speaker Bruce Tulgan

    Total Duration 29:10

    Download episode 38

    I have the true privilege of helping professionals from hundreds of companies develop their ability to lead people and deliver projects. A common question I hear from leaders as they progress higher in their organizations has to do with their boss.

    In effect, they're asking, "How do I manage the person who is supposed to be managing me?"

    A clear lesson as you grow in responsibility is that managing is not just something you do with your subordinates--what a terrible word that is! Rather, to be effective you also have to lead and serve peers, stakeholders, and yes, bosses. Managing up is an important part of your ability to successfully deliver. But how do you go about doing that?

    For this episode I'm bringing back Bruce Tulgan who was a guest on our show last year (click here to listen to that episode). Bruce recently published Its Okay to Manage Your Boss: The Step-by-Step Program for Making the Best of Your Most Important Relationship at Work. I had the opportunity to speak with Bruce recently and look forward to sharing that interview in this episode.

    Learn more about Bruce and his organization at I also recommend you get a copy of his book Its Okay to Manage Your Boss: The Step-by-Step Program for Making the Best of Your Most Important Relationship at Work. While you're at it, check out another one of Bruce's books It's Okay to Be the Boss: The Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming the Manager Your Employees Need. You'll find both helpful in the development of your management skills.

    In recent episodes I've been telling you about our growing list of Premium Subscribers. I want to invite you to join! You'll get additional materials with each episode to help you and those around you get even more value out of the topic we talk about. You'll not only be automatically enrolled in freebies, you'll also have the opportunity to actually participate in upcoming interviews with experts.

    Sometimes as a year ends there's a little extra training budget that needs to be spent. Whether that's true or not, how about investing in your learning for the year ahead? Click here for details and join as a Premium Subscriber.

    Thanks for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 039 | Networking for People Who Hate Networking: An interview with author Devora Zack

    What do you think of when I say the term "networking"? If your first response was TCP/IP or Ethernet, you have even more work than I expected! But kidding aside, when you think of networking in terms of developing relationships, what comes to mind?

    Frankly, for many years I knew I should be networking more but I tended to see it as a rather sleazy endeavor--an activity that people did just to get stuff from other people. Yet in a struggling and unpredictable economy, there are more reasons than ever to actively develop relationships.

    The problem is that most relationship-building books seem to be written for extroverts. But what about the rest of us?

    Well, to help you come up with a relationship building strategy for the year ahead I'm excited to introduce you to Devora Zack, author of a recently published book entitled Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed and the Underconnected.

    Learn more about Devora and Only Connect Consulting at

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration: 26:19

    Download episode 39

  • PPP 047 | Management: It's Not What You Think! An interview with Henry Mintzberg

    Total Duration 18:23

    Download episode 47

    If you've ever sat through one of my workshops or keynotes on leadership or project management, you've likely clued into the fact that I have a rather low tolerance for the purely academic. By that I mean ideas, models, and theories that sound great on a white board but are seemingly impossible to be practically applied in the real world.

    When it comes to management, it's easy to find books that pontificate theory. But every once in a while you come across one that is a breath of fresh air, where the author says it how it is instead of how it should be.

    An example of one of those books is the latest from Professor Henry Mintzberg, entitled Management? It's Not What You Think! It's a thought-provoking, at times irreverent look at this craft we call management.

    To give you a taste of what you'll find in this new book, I'm excited to share a recent discussion I had with Henry in this episode.

    Learn more about Henry at and

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 051 | Great on the Job, with author and Harvard blogger Jodi Glickman

    Total Duration 30:48

    Download episode 51

    Last week I facilitated a tutorial and delivered a new keynote to over 800 people at the STAREAST conference in Orlando. It had been a while since our family had visited Florida so I had the opportunity to bring my wife and three children along, which was great! Between speaking engagements we had the opportunity to spend time at Disney and if you've spent any time at a Disney park, chances are customer service and quality come to mind. People at Disney know how to be great on the job. They are patient with demanding customers and seemingly cool under the heat of the Florida sun.
    What does it take to be great on the job?As it turns out, there's a book by that name out this week by Jodi Glickman. I had the opportunity to catch up with Jodi recently and look forward to sharing that interview about her book with you this week.

    Learn more about Jodi's organization at You can also find her HBR posts at

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 052 | Leading Change, an interview with John Kotter

    Total Duration 26:35

    Download episode 52

    When was the last time you wanted to make a change at work? Maybe it was an approach on a project or something bigger, like wanting to introduce a new way of doing projects, such as using principles from agile project management. Chances are you faced some resistance to your proposed changes.

    Yet one of our key responsibilities is to lead change, even when our ideas are getting shot down. Well, to give us insight on this topic, you could argue one of the best people in the world to talk to is Professor John Kotter. John's most recent book is entitled Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down and is a great follow-on to his classic books on change.

    I had the opportunity to spend some extended time talking with John earlier this year and look forward to sharing that discussion with you over the course of two episodes.

    For our premium subscribers, your extra coaching podcast episode will come out with the second cast. In this first cast, John and I focus on the topic of change. Enjoy the interview!

    To learn more about John's organization, check out You can follow John's Harvard Business Review blog at

    By the way, my two favorite (and highly recommended) John Kotter books on change include:

    Join me in our next cast when John tells us more about how to avoid letting our ideas get shot down. Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 053 | Saving Your Good Ideas From Getting Shot Down, with John Kotter

    Total Duration 23:55

    Download episode 53

    In this episode I continue my conversation with Professor John Kotter. If you haven't listened to the first part of this interview, make sure to check that episode out! Our focus in this cast is on John's most recent book entitled Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down.

    To learn more about John's organization, check out You can follow John's Harvard Business Review blog at

    You know, if you were a premium subscriber to the People and Projects Podcast, you could now listen to some special coaching advice that I share after each interview with my guests. Each premium episode is designed to help you improve your ability to lead and deliver by taking the next step in applying the learning from our standard podcast episodes.

    Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 056 | Improving Your Success through Little Bets, with author Peter Sims

    Total Duration 25:33

    Download episode 56


    One of the great challenges of business is how to go from idea to delivery. It's easy to talk about ideas but turning those into a finished product requires much more than talk. It can be daunting to deliver. There's the risk of failure. There's the fear of unknowns--of surprises that can create obstacles to success. Going from idea to delivery is truly challenging!

    Ultimately project management is about how to deliver results but leaders of projects and teams need more than just work breakdown structures and Gantt charts. One of my favorite books of this year provides great insights for all of us who seek to lead and deliver. I recently had the real privilege of spending some time with Peter Sims, author of a great new book entitled Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries, and look forward to sharing that discussion with you in this episode.

    You can learn more about Peter by visiting

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 066 | What You Need to Know About LinkedIn, with author Wayne Breitbarth

    Total Duration 27:26

    Download episode 66

    In this episode I'm going to share a conversation I had recently with Wayne Breitbarth, author of The Power Formula for Linkedin Success: Kick-start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search. Wayne is my favorite expert on LinkedIn and I know you'll enjoy his insights.

    You can learn more about Wayne and his book at I strongly recommend you sign-up for Wayne's free newsletter with tips and tricks.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 073 | What Does Your Facebook Profile Say About You? An interview with Don Kluemper

    So let me ask you.... What does your Facebook profile really say about you? Or maybe you're not a Facebook person. How about LinkedIn? If a prospective employer was to scan your online presence, what conclusions would they draw?

    Earlier this year a study was published that indicates your life online could be saying more than you realize about your personality, your likelihood of getting hired, and even your future job performance. Since using social media sites can be part of our strategy as leaders to build and maintain relationships, it's critical that we understand whether or not our online presence is helping or hurting us.

    To help us better understand the study, I got a hold of Don Kluemper, the lead researcher on the study. In this interview, you'll hear from Don about what he found and his advice to help us avoid the landmines in social media.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 19:36

    Download episode 73

  • PPP 073.1 | Premium Follow-Up to Interview with Don Kluemper

    In this premium episode, I'm going to share some additional thoughts to help us personally apply this learning. I talk about why you need a social media strategy, why you need to be using social media if you're not, and why a solid understanding of personality styles is critical for those who seek to deliver projects and lead teams.

    Here's the freebie for you as a Premium Subscriber!Send me a link to up to 3 of your social media profiles (e.g. facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). I would be glad to review them and give you a free analysis from an executive coaching perspective. Just send an e-mail with the links and I'll get back to you with feedback.

    Thank you for being a premium subscriber to The People and Projects Podcast!

    Total Duration 9:03

    Download the premium episode

  • PPP 087 | Think Like a Futurist, with author and futurist Cecily Sommers

    Total Duration 38:49

    Download episode 87

    Let's Talk About.... The Future

    Well, it's time to say good-bye to this year and welcome a new one. So, how do we wrap what's been a very busy year? We're going to talk about... the future.

    Ah, yes. The future. The start of a new year is a great time to reflect. It provides an opportunity to look at where you've been heading and consider what changes you'd like to see in the year ahead.

    Project Managers as Futurists

    In many ways, project managers and leaders are futurists. We try to anticipate what's ahead and navigate our projects in a way that allows us to successfully deliver. But how do you do that? How can you think like a futurist?

    In this episode, I speak with Cecily Sommers who an author and futurist Ever wonder how someone becomes a futurist? Well, you'll find out! Cecily just recently published an intriguing book entitled Think Like a Futurist: Know What Changes, What Doesn't, and What's Next. The book is on a lot of must read lists for executives so we're giving you a taste of the book in this episode.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!  

     STARS, GALAXIES AND UNIVERSES and GLIDING....SOMETIMES, both by Jared C. Balogh, are licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

  • PPP 088 | Selling Skills for Project Managers, with author Dan Pink

    You're a Salesperson. Seriously.

    So, when you think of a salesperson, who comes to mind? For many people, it's someone closer to Kenny the Sales Weasel from Dilbert (see the video below).

    Good thing you and I aren't salespeople! We're project managers. Team leads. Department heads. Scrum Masters. But salespeople? No way!

    Or are we? Though we may not be salespeople by title, we spend concerted time on a weekly basis trying to move people--influence people--getting them to take action or agree to something or sign off on a document or hire you or show up for a meeting, or finish a task on time.

    To Sell is Human

    Our guest in this episode is Daniel Pink, author of the new book entitled To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others. Dan's new book can help us all be much more successful at helping move people without resorting to sleazy tricks.

    Help Getting Your PMP®Certification

    Whether you need contact hours for PMP®certification or PDUs, we can help! Our e-learning is engaging, informative, and even fun. Go to to get 20 PDU's for a great price. If you need contact hours to prepare for your PMP, check our PMP®Prep e-learning at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 38:58

    Download episode 88


    A Little Fun

    In Dan's book he refers to the Dilbert character Kenny the Sales Weasel. Here's a video version of the cartoon!

    In the book, Dan talks about the benefits but also limitations of psyching yourself up. Interrogative talk is more powerful. The discussion on positive affirmations reminded me of my favorite Stuart Smalley skit on Saturday Night Live. Enjoy!

    Finally, here's Dan with one of my favorite past podcast guests, Dr. Adam Grant. Adam and Dan provide a great 20 minute summary of To Sell is Human.


    ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH by Phil Reavis is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

    IF I COULD CHANGE YOUR MIND by Sloan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.

  • PPP 093 | Givers, Takers, and Matchers, A Discussion About Success with Dr. Adam Grant

    Free PDUs while learning how to influence

    Can I Ask You a Favor?

    So let's say someone asks you for help. For a favor, let's say. What's your first reaction? Is it, "Sure! No problem! I'd love to help!"

    Perhaps most of us would like to think that's how we respond. Could your response vary, based on the situation?

    Let's modify the scenario. Let's say this person who is asking for help seems, in your mind, to have very little potential to help you in any meaningful way--now or in the future. Regardless of how you made that assessment, in economic terms, this favor would appear to have very little perceived return on investment.

    So, would you still help? Or would you scramble for an excuse to step away?

    Welcoming back Dr. Adam Grant

    My guest in this episode is Dr. Adam Grant. We talk about his new book released just this week entitled Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success. In this episode you'll hear Adam talk about givers, takers, and matchers, three reciprocity styles that form the basis of the book.

    I invite you to visit the book's website at at You can take his self-assessment on that site to learn your preferred style. Also, Adam mentions work done by Alison Fragale at University of North Carolina. Here's a link to an article summarizing her work regarding powerless communication:

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Total Duration 44:25

    Download episode 93


    Adam Grant on Success

    Here's a 5 minute clip of Adam summarizing the reciprocity styles.

    How can you avoid being a doormat?

    Magic of Fog by Rushus is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.

    The Giving and the Taking by Dolly Parton from the album Kenny & Dolly

    Additional music from Music Alley.

  • PPP 097 | Why Managing Sucks, with author Jody Thompson

    Download episode 97

    Total Duration 25:59


    Does Your Work Suck?

    So how would you describe your excitement level about your job? Would you say, "It's awesome Andy! I love my job!" Or would you be more on the side of...

    "Work Sucks."

    Insights from Jody Thompson

    In this episode you'll hear from Jody Thompson, co-author of Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution and Why Managing Sucks and How to Fix It: A Results-Only Guide to Taking Control of Work, Not People. Looking for fresh insights on how to look and work and leading teams? You'll get it in this episode!

    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!


    PIECE FOR DISAFFECTED PIANO TWO by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

    BATTY MCFADDIN by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

  • PPP 100 | Are You a Successful Project Manager?

    Total Duration 35:16

    Download episode 100

    The Project Named You

    A key project management lesson is that we need to define success. What does success look like for a project? That's a question we need to ask far more often than we do. Getting clarity on objectives can make an enormous difference when it comes to delivering our projects successfully.

    Well, how about applying that lesson to our lives? Our guest for this episode is G. Richard Shell, who recently published Springboard: Launching Your Personal Search for Success.

    Do you think success for you is about being happy? In this episode you'll be challenged to think again, or at least differently about what happy even means. We'll talk about meaningful work and why having a detailed career plan may just not be what you need right now.

    Our 100th Episode!

    As it turns out, this is our 100th episode! Thank you for being a part of this learning journey with me. Feedback from listeners over the years has always been very encouraging to me. So here's a request: would you take a couple minutes and send me a note about what you've found helpful with The People and Projects Podcast? You can contact me at . Also, I'd love to have you leave a review on iTunes about this podcast. It's a helpful way to get the word out to others. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!


    OUR HAPPY LIFE by Maps & Transit is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.

    HAPPY by Obilivian Substanshall is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

  • PPP 101 | In the Trenches, with Mike Durbin, PMP

    Episode Duration 20:29

    Download episode 101

    Introducing Mike Durbin, PMP

    We continue our In the Trenches series with this discussion with Mike Durbin, PMP.Mike shares insights and lessons he's learned in his years of leading teams and delivering projects.

    Get PDUs or Contact Hours For Less!

    Want to get 35 PDUs or contact hours for a great price? Check out our PMP®Exam Prep e-learning at This is a great option, whether you're preparing for the exam or want to refresh your knowledge for PDU's.

    Add Your Voice to Our Podcast!

    Are you a regular listener to The People and Projects Podcast? I'd love to have your voice added to the beginning or end of the cast. Just send me an e-mail saying "I'd love to help!" I would love to have the opportunity to talk with you directly so contact me today and we'll set up a time to record your piece.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!


    Drive by Management

    Some Zig Quotes

    Mike mentions a Zig Ziglar quote during the interview. Here's a sampling of the wisdom of the late Zig Ziglar.

    GOODWILL COWBOYS RIDE AGAIN by Michael Chapman & The Woodpiles is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

    MARATHON MAN by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    ACOUSTIC BLUES by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    CHIADO by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

    LEARNED MY LESSONS by Jenny O is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.

  • PPP 102 | How to Promote Yourself Without Being a Jerk, with author Dan Schawbel

    Total Duration 31:38

    Download episode 102

    How to Succeed In Business Without Even Trying

    That makes for the name of a funny movie but success in business is not quite that simple. If you're familiar with the play or movie, the main character reads a book and jets from window washer to the top of his organization through manipulative techniques that makes for fun business satire. But success in business is not a matter of tricks.

    In this episode, I talk with Dan Schawbel who recently released his newest book Promote Yourself: The New Rules for Career Success. Especially if you are relatively new in your career or manage a team with millennials, you'll find Dan's insights helpful.


    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

  • PPP 103 | What Does the Future of Work Look Like? Our interview with Scott Berkun, author of The Year Without Pants

    Total Duration 33:32

    Download episode 103


    The Year Without Pants

    Scott Berkun has written one of my favorite books in recent months. Despite the provocative title, The Year Without Pants: and The Future of Work offers some refreshing insights on the world of work that all of us can benefit from. In this episdoe you'll hear Scott's insights about the workplace of today and the future of work.

    Learn more about Scott at You can find all his books and his blog there.


    Join our Facebook Page

    I invite you to stop by our podcast Facebook page! "Like" it and the join the discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    EUPHORIC by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

    NO PANTS FRIDAY by Lee Rosevere is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.

  • PPP 106 | How to Fuel the Effective Project Manager

    Total Duration 37:35

    Download episode 106

    Happy New Year!

    I love new things! I love the start of a new project. Working with a new team or new client. Trying out a new tool or a new gadget.

    I love new.... It's a chance to start over, to learn from the past and apply it to the future.

    As we fire up another year, it's a great time to look for a fresh start. To consider what we'll do differently. And my advice for you this year? Well, you'll have to listen to the episode to get the answer!

    Our New Year's Guest: Tom Rath

    You've likely heard of Tom and his books. He's a senior scientist and advisor to Gallup, where he led their research and consulting on employee engagement, strengths, and well being. If you read How Full Is Your Bucket?, Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements, StrengthsFinder 2.0 or took the StrengthFinders assessment, you're among the millions of people who have been impacted by his work.

    Tom's most recent book is Eat Move Sleep: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes. As we head into a new year, your ability to lead and deliver starts with you! How can you sustain the energy needed for all the stress and demands you'll face this year? How can you not only survive the year but set yourself up for perhaps even decades of better health?

    How about this? What if we forgot about coming up with big, hairy, audacious New Year's resolutions this year? What if your New Year's resolutions were actually attainable this time around--you know, still relevant two months from now.... Or two days from now!

    What if we did that by identifying small changes to make? Small changes about how you Eat. Move. And Sleep.

    In this episode, Tom Rath will tell you how to do that.

    Resources from Tom

    Learn more about Tom and Eat Move Sleep: How Small Choices Lead to Big Changes by visiting the book's website at


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!


    IN A DREAM WHERE I'M SLEEPING by Shatterfreak is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

    HOW TO GO TO SLEEP by Mr. and Mrs. Smith is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

    GOOD VIBES OVERFLOW by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

  • PPP 108 | How Project Managers Can Deal With Stupid Feedback

    Total Duration 40:07

    Download episode 108

    "Feedback is a Gift?"


    Our guest for this episode is Doug Stone. Doug and his co-author Sheila Heen teach negotiation and conflict negotiation at Harvard Law School and they've written a terrific new book entitled Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. They were also co-authors of a previous best-seller entitled Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most

    Learn more about Doug and Sheila and their company by visiting

    I Want to Hear From You!

    Speaking of feedback, I'd love to hear from you! I'm inviting you to call our podcast listener feedback line and leave a message!

    Why do you listen to this podcast? What have you found helpful? And how about this question, straight from the Thanks for the Feedback book: "What do you hear me doing, or failing to do, that is getting in my own way of producing a podcast that best helps you?"

    There are two ways to leave me a message:

    • First, you can call our Podcast Listener Feedback Line at (847) 550-3747.
    • Or you can call me on Skype and leave a message. My Skype ID is andy.kaufman.i-lead.

    Make sure to leave your name and where you're calling from. 

    So give me a call and leave your feedback! I can't wait to hear it! Thanks!

    Project management keynote speaker Andy Kaufman on feedback


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    NETHERLAND by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

    OPERATIVES by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

    WALLPAPER by Kevin MacLeod ( is licensed under creative Commons by Attribution 3.0.

  • PPP 111 | When Consultants are the Problem, Not the Solution

    Total Duration 37:47

    Download episode 111

    Pulling Back the Curtain on Management Consultants

    Our guest in this episode is Karen Phelan, author of an entertaining book entitled I'm Sorry I Broke Your Company: When Management Consultants Are the Problem, Not the Solution. Karen pulls back the curtain on an industry from the perspective of an insider. This book is a fun read that, in truth, goes beyond just management consultants. It looks at the ridiculousness of what we call best practices in organizational leadership and management. I look forward to your feedback after you listen to this discussion with Karen.

    Learn more about Karen and her book by visiting

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Talent Triangle: Leadership, Strategic and Business Management

    I'M SORRY by Ian Sutherland is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

    I'M SORRY by Los Llamarada is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

  • PPP 113 | The Invisible Project Manager (Who Loves Their Job), with author David Zweig

    Total Duration 53:49

    Download episode 113

    The 'Me Monster'

    We live in an age of relentless self-promotion. Some people in the workplace remind me of comedian Brian Regan’s sketch entitled I Walked On The Moon (see below).

    Ever worked with the 'Me Monster?' Whether we realize it or not, we might actually be on the way to becoming one of those 'Me Monsters' as we struggle to stand out in the noise of those who are trying to out do each other.

    The Invisibles

    Yet not everyone is trying to out do others. In this episode author David Zweig shares his research into those he calls Invisibles. They love their job. Their satisfaction is in the work itself, not the volume of praise the comes with it.

    Have you ever felt invisible? That the work you do goes unnoticed? Or at least that there's a lack of appreciation for all that it takes for you to successfully deliver a project?

    One of the joys of hosting this podcast is finding resources to help you that might not otherwise have come up on your radar screen. I've found David Zweig to be one of those up-and-comers that will inspire us to do our craft better. Enjoy today's discussion with Dave about his book Invisibles: The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self-Promotion.

    Learn more about Dave, his book, and his music by visiting

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    REPEAT AND FADE by David Zweig is licensed by permission.

    GOODBYE by David Zweig is licensed by permission.

  • PPP 114 | People and Projects Podcast Webinar Replay: Power Cues and Invisibles

    On a regular basis, we invite listeners of The People and Projects Podcast to gather for a follow-up webinar. These webinars allow us to go into more detail on the content from one or more previous episodes.

    This video episode is a replay of our follow-up webinar on Power Cues and Invisibles. Please join us for future webinars!

    Total Duration 55:19

    Download episode 114

    COVERT AFFAIR by Kevin McLeod is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.

  • PPP 115 | Hire the Younger or Older Project Manager? Does Age Matter?

    Total Duration 7:10

    Download episode 115

    Introducing Our Coach Cast Episodes

    With this episode we introduce a new type of episode that we're calling Coach Casts. Instead of a 30-45 minute episode centered around a book or author, I'll be sharing a 5-10 snapshot of something that I've been learning and what to share with you.

    In this first Coach Cast, we start with what can be a controversial subject. We're not really supposed to talk about age when it comes to hiring. Or promoting. Or delegating responsibility. But biases can exist. Whether it's a bias that someone seems too old or too young, it's easy for that bias to keep us from making the best decision.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SUNDAY AFTERNOON by Podington Bear is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

    BLANKS by Podington Bear is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

  • PPP 116 | Why Projects Fail (and How We Can Fix That), with Jim Johnson from The Standish Group

    Total Duration 27:05

    Download episode 116

    Never Had a Failed Project?

    Have you ever had a project that failed? Be careful--this is a truth test! If someone tells you they always deliver on time, on budget, with all the specified scope, be wary! Delivering projects successfully every time sounds great in an interview but a challenge in the real world.

    My guest today is Jim Johnson, Founder and Chairman of The Standish Group. Jim has a passion to understand why things break and how to fix them. In this discussion we talk about why projects break, and some ideas on how to improve the likelihood of successfully delivering.

    You can learn more about Jim and The Standish Group at

    Call Me!

    Why do you listen to The People and Projects Podcast? What has helped you? What questions do you have for me? I love hearing from listeners and I want to hear from you! So call me! You can leave a message on our Podcast Listener Feedback line by phone or Skype. You can leave a message by phone at 847-550-3747 or by Skype at andy.kaufman.i-lead. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SKIPPY by Podington Bear is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

    LIES by Devora Clark is licensed under a Creative Commons License Agreement.

    CANDLEPOWER by Chris Zabriskie is licensed by Attribution License.

  • PPP 117 | People and Projects Podcast Webinar Replay: Coach Cast and Jim Johnson Interview

    Total Duration 53:02

    Download episode 117

    On a regular basis, we invite listeners of The People and Projects Podcast to gather for a follow-up webinar. These webinars allow us to go into more detail on the content from one or more previous episodes.

    This video episode is a replay of our follow-up webinar on Episodes 115 and 116. Please join us for future webinars!

    DAYDREAM HEARTBEAT by Podington Bear is licensed under Attribution-NonCommerical 3.0 International License.

  • PPP 118 | The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights, With Dr. Gary Klein

    Total Duration 45:09

    Download episode 118

    Seeing What Others Don't

    How is it that we can so easily not see things? When making decisions, we can be blind to better options. When planning a project, we can be blind to risks that are lurking. When listening to a problem from a team member, we can be blind to the fact there's actually a problem!

    My guest today is Dr. Gary Klein, author of Seeing What Others Don't: The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights. Gary has written a wonderful book that we explore in this discussion.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SEARCHING by Emily Lacy is licensed by Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

    DIVIDER by Chris Zabriskie is licensed by Attribution License.

    BAILE by Podington Bear is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

  • PPP 119 | How to Be a More Influential Project Manager, with Alfonso Bucero, MSc, PMP, PMI-RMP, and PMI Fellow

    Total Duration 34:17

    Download episode 119

    Do You Feel Influential?

    Project managers are influencers, though we often think of other sides of the business as the ones who influence the most: senior executives, lawyers, salespeople, etc.

    Our guest today is Alfonso Bucero, MSc, PMP, PMI-RMP, and PMI Fellow. He is the author of a new book entitled The Influential Project Manager: Winning Over Team Members and Stakeholders (Best Practices and Advances in Program Management Series). Alfonso shares insights to help you improve your ability to influence your boss, sponsor, team, and other stakeholders.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    MODERN JAZZ SAMBA by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    NOTANICO MERENGUE by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  • PPP 120 | Mentoring for Project Managers, with Mark Goulston

    Total Duration 34:17

    Download episode 120

    Who is an example of someone that has significantly impacted who you are today? Whether they were a formal mentor or not, who is someone that has notably contributed to the person you are and the success you enjoy today?

    My guest today is Dr. Mark Goulston. You may recognize Mark as the author of a very special book entitled Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone. With the recent death of one of his mentors, the concept of mentoring is top of mind so we spent some time together discussing the topic. Make sure to check out Mark's website at

    15 PDU's

    Are you preparing for certification? Or need some PDU's? Check out our Essentials of Project Management e-learning program. You can earn 15 contact hours or PDU's for a great price! Use a coupon code of ESS-199-FALL14 to save $100. That offer is good through end of September 2014.

    I'd Love to Listen To You!

    Who has impacted you as a past mentor? What feedback do you have about the podcast? I want to hear from you! So call me! You can leave a message on our Podcast Listener Feedback line by phone or Skype. You can leave a message by phone at 847-550-3747 or by Skype at andy.kaufman.i-lead. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    CROSSING THE DIVIDE by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    MAMBO BATIRI by Orquesta El Sabor de Nacho is Licensed under a Attribution License.

  • PPP 121 | We're Not Family. But Free Agency Doesn't Work. How to Have Career Discussions with Your Team, with Ben Casnocha

    Total Duration 36:57

    Download episode 121

    We are Family?

    Most companies no longer feel like 'family'. But the 'free agent' approach has limitations as well.

    My guest today is Ben Casnocha. He is the co-author of a new book entitled The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age. Ben and his co-author Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn) discuss a new model for managing talent in this new age. Learn more about Ben by checking out his blog at

    Helping Your Organization Deliver

    We help organizations around the world improve their ability to deliver projects and lead teams. Who in your organization is responsible for planning out next year's training? Have them contact me at . We have training classes designed for helping every role in your organization to get better at successfully delivering their work. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    BLACK VORTEX by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    CAREFREE by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  • PPP 122 | Smart Ways to Accelerate Your Success as a Project Manager, with author Shane Snow

    Total Duration 42:05

    Download episode 122


    Smartcuts, Not Shortcuts

    We go to 'work', not 'play'. Success typically takes work, not sitting back and visualizing wonderful things. But what if there were ways to hack the 'pay your dues' route? What if there were recurring themes from those who accelerated their success?

    My guest today is Shane Snow, author of Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. Learn more about Shane by checking out his Contently blog at

    20 PDU's for a Great Price

    If you are aiming for certification or need PDU's, check out our Advanced Project Management e-learning. 

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    THE SMALL by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    HAPPY ALLEY by Kevin MacLeod ( is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Other piano music played by Zachary Kaufman.

  • PPP 123 | How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done, with Procrastination Expert Piers Steel


    Total Duration 48:05

    Download episode 123

    Stop Procrastinating!

    I have so looked forward to sharing this episode with you! It's just that.... I kept finding other things to do! But the wait is over!

    My guest today is Piers Steel, author of The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done. Learn more about Piers by checking out his blog at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SOME OTHER TIME by Tony Bennett and Bill Evans


    DEAD by They Might Be Giants

  • PPP 124 | How Adam Smith Can Make You a Better Project Manager, with guest Russ Roberts

    Total Duration 49:15

    Download episode 124

    Adam Smith, Project Manager

    If you studied economics at some point you most likely learned about Adam Smith. He's often revered as the Father of Modern Economics, but could it be that project managers could learn more than economics from Adam Smith? Is it possible that his lesser known book The Theory of Moral Sentiments, published in 1759, could help us become better project managers and leaders?

    My guest today is Russ Roberts, author of How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness. I'm a big fan of Russ' EconTalk podcast, and I think you're going to find his new book about Adam Smith very intriguing!

    Please e-mail me ( or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747), letting me know what you think about this conversation with Russ. How do you implement these ideas? What questions do you have? I look forward to hearing from you!


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    "Nothing Broken” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    "The Path of the Goblin King v2” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

  • PPP 125 | Why Project Managers Who Learn Faster Beat Those Who Know More, with guest Liz Wiseman

    Total Duration 44:58

    Download episode 125

    Expert Judgment

    In the Project Management Body of Knowledge--the PMBOK® Guide--there's a recurring tool and technique entitled Expert Judgment. How can you develop a more effective project charter? Come up with more accurate cost and time estimates? Identify risks? Project Management Institute (PMI) says we should use expert judgment.

    Their point is that you can develop better plans and estimates if you tap into the wisdom of those with established expertise. Makes sense, right?

    Put Your Rookie On

    My guest today is Liz Wiseman, author of Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work. Liz suggests there are times when having a rookie mindset trumps expert judgment.

    Give Me a Call!

    Please e-mail me ( or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747), letting me know what you think about this conversation with Liz. What questions do you have? I look forward to hearing from you!


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SILVER by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

    LUXE by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.

    CANDLEPOWR by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Attribution License.

  • PPP 126 | The Most Important Lesson You Learned Last Year

    Total Duration 31:53

    Download episode 126

    What Did You Learn Last Year?

    What's something specific you've learned in the last 12 months that you either didn't know before then or you had to re-learn it? That's a question I asked some of my favorite continual learners--friends and colleagues who are committed to developing their abilities.

    In this episode you'll hear from:

    Share Your Lesson!

    Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). What did you learn last year? I look forward to hearing from you!


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Here's to a great start to the year!


  • PPP 127 | How to Stop Talking About Vision and Actually Create One, with author Rob-Jan de Jong

    Total Duration 47:15

    Download episode 127

    Need Vision? Got Vision?

    I'm excited to introduce you to Rob-Jan de Jong, author of Anticipate: The Art of Leading by Looking Ahead.  Too often we only talk about vision--Rob shows us how to actually create one. Learn more about Rob and his book at


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! I'm back to my vacation. Have a great week!

    LAID BACK GUITARS by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed underCreative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Gladiator, by Warner Brothers.

  • PPP 137 | How Project Managers Can Invest Their Time Like Money, with Elizabeth Grace Saunders

    Total Duration 42:11

    Download episode 137

    Aspire to be Time Wealthy

    Can you relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed, with more commitments at work and home than you have time to handle? Many project managers tell me that's a rather normal existence for them. Elizabeth Grace Saunders calls that being time impoverished. We are spending more than we've earned. It's part of her analogy in her new book How to Invest Your Time Like Money

    To learn more about Elizabeth and the work of her organization, visit

    Join My Periscopes This Month!

    Join me for our series of Project Management Periscopes during the month of October 2015. Each Friday I'm broadcasting a periscope from 12:15pm Central in the US (GMT-5). Just download the mobile app at Then go to my Periscope home page at Join me for these 15-minute Periscopes this month!

    Let Me Hear From You!

    I love hearing from listeners! Please leave a message to let me know what you think about The People and Projects Podcast! Here's how you can contact us:

    • Leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line at 847-550-3747
    • Call me directly at 847-579-9174
    • Contact me by email at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    I WANNA BE RICH by Calloway, available here on

    Learn more about MAD MONEY and JIM CRAMER at CNBC

    WONDER CYCLE by Chris Zabriskie Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution License.

    HAPPY ALLEY by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 138 | Eating Frogs and Throwing Skunks on the Table: The People Side of Project Management

    Total Duration 56:19

    Download episode 138

    The People Side of Project Management

    In this video episode, I share a discussion with three colleagues who are experts in the people side of project management. To learn more about my guests, please visit their websites at:

    What Do You Think?

    Please leave a message to let me know what you think about this video episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Here's how you can contact us:

    • Leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line at 847-550-3747
    • Call me directly at 847-579-9174
    • Contact me by email at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SKIPPY by Podington Bear is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.

    NOTANICO MERENGUE by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 139 | The Real Reason Why Project Managers and Their Teams Win, with author Fred Kiel

    Total Duration 34:43

    Download episode 139

    Do The Good Guys Win?

    There’s something inside us that wants to believe that the good guys win in the end, right? We want to believe that if you treat people well, keep your promises, and work hard, that it all pays off with increased opportunity and reward.

    Fred Kiel has data to support that you don't have to be Gordon Gecko from the movie Wall Street to win. In this episode, we talk with Fred about his new book Return on Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies Win

    To learn more about Fred and take the Character Predictor Quiz, visit

    Join Our Year-End Podcast Listener Hangout!

    Join other listeners for a Google Hangout session on Thursday, 17 December at 11:30am Central Standard Time (GMT-6). You'll earn a free PDU while we talk about issues related to leading and delivering. Go to to learn more!

    Leadership Fast Track Program

    In this episode, I mention our Leadership Fast Track Program. I encourage you to check out to see if it's a good fit for your development plan in 2016. If so, talk to your boss about getting it in the budget for next year. Let me know if you have any questions about the program. It would be a privilege to work with you directly!

    Let Me Hear From You!

    I love hearing from listeners! Please leave a message to let me know what you think about The People and Projects Podcast! Here's how you can contact us:

    • Leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line at 847-550-3747
    • Contact me by email at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    WALL STREET available here on

    FACEOFF by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    CHIPPER DOODLE v2 by Kevin Macleod Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 144 | 4 Rules to Help Project Managers Focus in a Distracted World, with Cal Newport

    Total Duration 32:32

    Download episode 144

    Out of the Shallows

    Project managers are constantly tasked with juggling priorities and managing interruptions. We live in the shallows, so to speak, not the deep. Getting time for focused work seems increasingly difficult. In his new book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, Cal Newport offers 4 rules to help us out of the distraction:

    • Work Deeply. There are strategies to get more concentrated work time.
    • Embrace Boredom. Don't try to cram in something to every spare moment.
    • Quit Social Media. Give Cal a chance to make his case before writing this one off!
    • Drain the Shallows. There's some low-hanging fruit we can get rid of to gain more focused time.

    To learn more about Cal and his book, please visit his website at: Make sure to check out his popular blog.


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    P.S. For a follow-up article on Cal's book, check out my LinkedIn post by clicking here. Thanks!

    THE COMPLEX by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    WALLPAPER by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 145 | Career Success Hacks for Project Managers, with Bruce Harpham

    Total Duration 27:58

    Download episode 145

    Introducing Bruce Harpham

    In this episode I welcome Bruce Harpham from Bruce is a regular blogger on topics related to career advancement for project managers. Check out his website and sign-up for a free copy of his Career Advancement Workbook.

    Give the Gift of Learning to Your Administrative Assistant!

    On April 27, 2016, administrative assistants around the world will be celebrated as part of Administrative Professionals' Day. Here's a bit of advice: take your assistant out to lunch! Treat them extra special! And how about this--give them the gift of learning!

    Our Effective Administrative Assistant Webinar Series starts up on April 14. I'll be leading a series of two-hour webinars designed especially to help your admin improve their ability to get things done. Learn more at Use a coupon code of admin-gift-16 to save $59 USD off the price. Thanks for spreading the word about this!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    MEATBALL PARADE by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.


  • PPP 146 | How to Tell Someone They Have Body Odor (and Other Tricky Culture Situations), with Dr. Tom Verghese

    Total Duration 42:12

    Download episode 146

    How Culturally Intelligent Are You?

    In this episode I welcome Dr. Tom Verghese from Cultural Synergies to talk about the importance of raising our cultural intelligence (what he calls CQ). Check out his website for videos and other resources to improve your ability to interact productively with people from other cultures.


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    VADODARA CHILL MIX by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    ZANZIBAR by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    The comedy bit at the end was not Tom! See A SAUDI, AN INDIAN, AND AN IRANIAN WALK INTO A QATARI BAR by Maz Jobrani (TED Talk) available on YouTube

  • PPP 147 | Why Your Technical Project Management Skills Aren't Enough, with guest Dave Wakeman

    Total Duration 40:49

    Download episode 147

    Beyond Gantt Charts and Critical Path

    In this episode, I welcome Dave Wakeman from Wakeman Consulting Group to talk about Strategic and Business Management. This is a leg of PMI's Talent Triangle™ that often doesn't get enough focus. Dave shares insights on strategy and operations that show our success goes far beyond our technical project management skills. Check out his website to sign-up for Dave's newsletter and read his blog.

    Transform Your Ability to Lead This Year

    Join me for this year's Leadership Fast Track Program. You and I will work directly to transform your ability to lead and deliver. See

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    SCHEMING WEASEL FASTER by Kevin Macleod Licensed underCreative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    STRATEGY by Something for Kate available on Amazon at

  • PPP 158 | What You Need to Know to Manage Millennials, with author Lee Caraher

    Total Duration 55:18

    Download episode 158

    Gotta Love Millennials

    When the topic of millennials comes up in my workshops, it's sure to evoke strong opinions, from older leaders who complain millennials are entitled, to the millennials who resent being stereotyped.

    In this episode, Lee Caraher joins us to talk about both sides of the issue. Lee is the author of the book entitled Millennials & Management: The Essential Guide to Making it Work at Work. You can learn more about Lee at her website

    Have Andy Speak at Your Company!

    I spend most of my weekdays delivering project management and leadership workshops and keynotes at companies and conferences. Visit to learn more about how we can help you and your teams learn how to lead and deliver.

    Also, learn more about our conflict management e-learning by visiting

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Merry Christmas!

    MARTY GOTS A PLAN and CHRISTMAS RAP by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

    YOU'VE GOTTA LOVE MILLENNIALS by Micah Tyler available onYouTube

    A Little Millennial Fun

  • PPP 159 | The Most Important Lesson You Learned Last Year

    Total Duration 39:48

    Download episode 159

    What Did You Learn Last Year?

    What's something specific you've learned in the last 12 months that you either didn't know before then or you had to re-learn it? That's a question I asked some of my favorite continual learners--friends and colleagues who are committed to developing their abilities.

    In this episode you'll hear from:

    Share Your Lesson!

    Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). What did you learn last year? I look forward to hearing from you!


    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Here's to a great year ahead!


    THIS IS THE NEW YEAR by A Great Big World available on Amazon at

  • PPP 166 | What Project Managers Can Learn from Adele and Beyoncé

    Total Duration 56:02

    Download episode 166

    What Makes A Hit Song? Or Idea?

    Why does one artist pull down a Grammy and another go without notice? Why do some products skyrocket in popularity when better ones never make it to production? Derek Thompson is a senior editor at The Atlantic magazine and a weekly news analyst for NPR's "Here and Now." Derek chases down these questions in his new book Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction. Read more of Derek's work at

    The Perfect Gift for Your Administrative Assistant

    Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated by companies around the world each April, and I have an idea for how you can celebrate the admins who serve your area! Check out our Effective Administrative Assistant Webinar Series. It's a 5-week course that I've shared with admins around the world, and I would love to help the admin who serves your team. We help your admin grow in areas, such as influence, conflict management, time management, and even project management! Visit today to learn more and sign-up.

    I Want To Hear From You!

    I'm constantly looking for ways to improve the podcast. Would you be willing to take 2 minutes and share your thoughts? Go to and help me know how I can help deliver exactly what you're looking for. Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    HELLO by Adele available on Amazon at

    FUNIN' and SUNIN' by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 184 | How Leaders Can Get Their Head Above Water When Drowning in Email and Commitments, with Steve Kahle

    Total Duration 38:05

    Download episode 184

    Overwhelm Does Not Have to Be Normal

    I'm regularly challenged by the Henry Cloud quote that "You get what you tolerate." Too often we tolerate overwhelm as normal. My guest in this episode is out to help you fix that. Steve Kahle is founder of Gray Wolf Workflow and he is on a mission to help you and your team get more done with less stress. Click here to learn more about Steve's Proactive Lane Boot Camp. You can participate anywhere in the world and I personally guarantee you will find it worth your investment.

    Also, check out:

    Additional Episodes

    If you would like more insights on managing your time more effectively, check out these episodes:

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    OUT OF TIME by Samuell, John Marcus, & Vicky D. available on Amazon at

    TECH LIVE by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

  • PPP 267 | (Video) How Do You Reduce The Waste Around You?

    Wasted time. Wasted energy. Wasted stress. In our project and organizational environments, we're surrounded by waste.

    In this < 3-minute video, I share some thoughts from a recent keynote to a group of global leaders regarding agile.

    When you look at the world through the lens of eliminating waste, there's no shortage of opportunities. Good project management practices seek to eliminate waste, regardless of whether you're using a formal agile approach or not.

    Let Me Hear From You!

    I'd love to hear from you! What are some examples of where you've seen waste recently? Whether within your organization or--as I share in the video--somewhere in the general public, such as an airport. Where do you see opportunities to reduce waste? And what are some lessons you've learned about identifying and eliminating waste?

    Let's connect on LinkedIn and discuss! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Also, what have you been learning lately? What are you reading? Please e-mail me () or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

    Interested in helping your executive leaders learn more about agile and their role in fostering project success? Contact me to learn more about our keynotes and workshops! Thanks!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management

    Total Duration 2:54

    Download episode 267

  • PPP 287 | A Green Beret’s Advice About Job Transition, with author Herb Thompson

    Total Duration 37:07

    Download episode 287

    A Job Transition is a Project

    Job risk and change is not something just reserved for global pandemics. People listening to this episode years from now will still face the same reality: going through the process of looking for a new job is challenging, especially if you’re looking to transition from one industry to another.

    But hey, we’re project managers! So how about we look at job transition as a project?

    That’s the mindset shared by my guest today. Herb Thompson is the author of The Transition Mission: A Green Beret’s approach to transition from the military. Though Herb’s mission is focused on helping veterans, you’ll find today’s discussion relevant regardless of whether you have a military background. Learn more about Herb and his non-profit at

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and send me an invite!

    Also, all of our workshops and keynotes are available in a virtual format. Concerned about travel with the coronavirus pandemic? We can help you invest in your team without requireing travel. Learn more at Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    Humanity by AlekSound


    Uplifting Ballad by Alexander Nakarada

  • PPP 303 | Project Management Career Advice for Women--and Men--with Elise Stevens

    Total Duration 32:31

    Earn free PDUs by listening to Elise and Andy Download episode 303

    Advocate for Women in Project Management

    I'm excited to share this conversation with my friend Elise Stevens. Her work advocating for women in project management is an inspiration to me personally, and the insights she shares today are helpful to both men and women.

    Learn more about Elise, her podcasts, and her books at

    Join Us for our Virtual Project Management Training Program!

    Learn how to improve your ability to lead and deliver! Join us this fall for the same project management program we deliver in-house at organizations around the world! Learn more at Use a coupon code of VirtualPM20 to save $150 USD on the entire program!

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and Follow me (I've maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I'll Follow you back!)

    Also, all of our other workshops and keynotes are available in a virtual format. Whether you have a live or virtual event, we can help you invest in your team. Learn more at Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    I Dare You and The Dweller on Coyote Hill by Little Glass Men is licensed under an Attribution License


  • PPP 313 | How to Prepare for the Future Like a Project Manager, with futurist Brian David Johnson

    Total Duration 42:17

    Earn free PDUs learning to be forever employable Download episode 313

    Project Managers Are Futurists

    My guest in this episode is the former Chief Futurist of Intel: Brian David Johnson. Brian joins us to talk about his book The Future You: Break Through the Fear and Build the Life You Want. Brian is going to help you see that project managers are perfectly positioned to benefit from thinking like a futurist.

    Learn more about Brian at

    Have Andy Speak at Your Company

    Whether live in-person or virtually, contact us about having Andy speak at your company. Our project management and leadership related keynotes and workshops can help improve your teams' ability to lead and deliver. Learn more at

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and Follow me (I've maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I'll Follow you back!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    Back to the Future by WinnieTheMoog


    Fjeld by Alexander Nakarada


    Back to the Future-We Don't Need Roads (1989) scene available on YouTube at

  • PPP 319 | What You Need to Know About the PMP® Exam, with PMI's Sierra Hampton-Simmons

    Total Duration 18:57

    Learn about the new PMP Download episode 319

    The Head of Certification from PMI Joins Us

    Sierra Hampton-Simmons joins us in this episode to talk about the recent changes to the PMP exam. In addition, she gives us a glimpse at what to expect with certifications in the future.

    In the discussion, she mentions the following handbooks:

    I would love to help you earn your PMP or CAPM certification exam! To learn more about our programs, click here.

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and Follow me (I've maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I'll Follow you back!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    The Happiest Day of My Life by MusicLFiles

  • PPP 322 | New Rules for the Digital Age, with Ram Charan


    Total Duration 36:57

    Earn free PDUs while learning from Ram Charan Download episode 322

    The Rules Have Changed

    World-renowned CEO coach and business thinker Ram Charan joins us to talk about new rules for the digital age from his book Rethinking Competitive Advantage: New Rules for the Digital Age. It's a discussion that will help guide how you see your business through the lens of the digital giants while helping you prepare for the future.

    Learn more about Ram and his work at

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and Follow me (I've maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I'll Follow you back!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    Creating Future Technologies by MusicLFiles

    Back to the Future by WinnieTheMoog

    Balancing the Budget scene from the movie Dave, available on YouTube at

  • PPP 327 | What is Sustainable Project Management? A Conversation with Rich Maltzman


    Total Duration 32:02

    Earn free PDUs while learning project leadership lessons from Rich Maltzman Download episode 327

    Sustainable Project Management Insights

    One of my favorite voices on how to lead projects is Rich Maltzman. Rich contributed to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Seventh Edition in the areas of sustainability and value delivery. In this episode, Rich talks about what sustainable project management is (and isn't). Perhaps more importantly, he talks about what we can do at our level, especially when we feel we don’t have much influence to make a difference. And Rich shares some project and career lessons that he’s gleaned over the years. It’s a great discussion with a guy I consider a friend.

    Here are some resources that Rich mentions during the interview:

    Let's Stay In Touch!

    I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and Follow me (I've maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I'll Follow you back!)

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    Corona [instrumental] (feat. Klangkommune) by Sascha Ende®

  • PPP 334 | Beyond the Pandemic: Preparing for the Next Rogue Wave, with futurist Jonathan Brill

    Total Duration 31:45

    Earn free PDUs while preparing your career and team for the future Download episode 334

    Preparing for the Next Rogue Wave

    we’re continuing a series of episodes on the topic of the future. It’s hard to imagine that we can be effective at leading others if we’re not forward thinking.

    But after getting slammed by the COVID tsunami and subsequent recurring waves, the future can feel so unsure. So how do we prepare ourselves and our teams for the future despite the challenges of understanding it?

    To help us with that, we’re joined in this episode by Jonathan Brill, author of a new book entitled Rogue Waves: Future-Proof Your Business to Survive and Profit from Radical Change. Jonathan is the former Global Futurist at HP and has led companies that have substantially improved the world in many domains. Not to mention he invented a machine that makes frozen coffee slurpees!

    Learn more about Jonathan and his book at

    Additional Resources

    • In the outtakes of the episode, Jonathan mentions an HBR article that he wrote with Dorie Clark about how to future-prep your career. You can find that article here.
    • My discussion with Brian David Johnson, former Chief Futurist at Intel, can be found in episode 313
    • My discussion with Deborah Westphal from Toffler Associates can be found in episode 329
    • My discussion with Michael Solomon about preparing your career for the future can be found in episode 304
    • My discussion with Cecily Sommers about how to think like a futurist can be found in episode 87

    Join our Global LEAD52 Community

    Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? LEAD52 is your 5-minute weekly pass to leadership intelligence. You get 52 weeks of learning, delivered right to your inbox, taking less than 5 minutes a week. And it's all for free. Join us at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    Back To The Future by WinnieTheMoog

    It's Funky by Frank Schröter

  • PPP 361 | Leading Virtual Teams Across Cultures—In the Trenches with Yasmina Khelifi

    Total Duration 44:56

    Earn free PDUs while learning about leading virtual projects across cultures Download episode 361

    In The Trenches With Yasmina Khelifi

    If you’re a long-time listener of the People and Projects Podcast, you may recall that every once in a while we have a type of episode that we call In the Trenches. It’s an episode that interviews someone who is actively working in a project leadership role, allowing us to benefit from the lessons they have been learning over the years.

    I’m glad to welcome our guest today, Yasmina Khelifi, from Paris, France. Yasmina has been a leader in the telecom industry for many years and is an active blogger on She has extensive experience working with international teams, providing her unique insights into how culture factors into leading and communicating.

    Learn more about Yasmina on LinkedIn at and on

    Join our Global LEAD52 Community

    Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? LEAD52 is your 5-minute weekly pass to leadership intelligence. You get 52 weeks of learning, delivered right to your inbox, taking less than 5 minutes a week. And it's all for free. Join us at

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management


    Le Baguette by Alexander Naka

    Let Me Be Free by Sascha Ende®

  • PPP 386 | AI Insights from a CEO (Andy Tryba) and a Friend (John Chmela)

    Total Duration 52:12

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to get past obstacles Download episode 386

    Introducing Andy Tryba and John Chmela

    When you think of artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT, what comes to mind?

    Do you find it intriguing for how it can help us as people who are focused on leading teams and projects? Or maybe you think it’s overly hyped—entertaining for writing haikus and silly stories but not even close to being at a place where it can help us with our jobs. Or, maybe you’re concerned that it’s a threat to our jobs someday.

    I know people in each group, leading us to this episode. I’m joined by Andy Tryba who is the Co-Founder & CEO of Ionic Partners, and also CEO of Gigster. Andy is a nationally recognized Future of Work & Remote Work expert and his companies help some of the largest brands in the world integrate AI, ChatGPT, QA Automation and more.

    I'm also discussing AI with my friend John Chmela. John and I met when we worked together years ago and to this day he's a valued friend. Beyond loving him as a person, I've always admired how John is quick to adapt new technologies and leverage them for good. But beyond our friendship and his tech skills, John is a savvy business leader and investor.

    In both discussions, you'll pick up on some ideas and perspectives that can guide your exploration of the tools.

    Learn more about Andy Tryba and follow him on LinkedIn at

    Learn more about John and his operation at Queenslake Farm at

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Lullaby of Light (feat. Cory Friesenhan) by Sascha Ende
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Laughing Children [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):

  • PPP 388 | PMeLa Interviews Abraham Lincoln: A Lesson on AI Automation

    Total Duration 18:34

    Earn free PDUs while learning about AI automation and tools Download episode 388

    PMeLa Takes the Mic

    Hi! You will recall back in episode 384 I introduced you to an AI persona I had developed named PMeLa. She's an AI designed to be an expert in project management and leadership. It's been fun to hear the feedback from listeners from around the world who found the discussion to be somewhere between intriguing, hilarious, and frightening.

    I've been experimenting with automating AI processes and so I thought I would try another experiment with PMeLa. In today's episode, PMeLa is going to interview--wait for it--former US President Abraham Lincoln. As an AI, she comes up with the questions and an AI version of Lincoln responds.

    Let me be clear--I'm not just doing this to be clever. What's unique about this episode is that it was completely done using automation tools. I had no hand in the questions or the responses. Once I defined the personas and set up the automation, the interview was completely in the hands of the AIs and the automation tool. What you hear from PMeLa and Lincoln has not been changed by me at all.

    After the brief interview, I share some insights about what I've been learning through these experiments. And definitely listen to the end with a blooper from Lincoln!

    Learn more about the automation tool I used for this episode: Also, check out and

    What's a question you'd like to pass by PMeLa? Send them to . I'd love to include your questions in a future episode! Thanks!

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    Take the next step to level up your AI skills. Check out our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Lullaby of Light (feat. Cory Friesenhan) by Sascha Ende
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Laughing Children [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):

  • PPP 393 | Lessons on Leading and Delivering, with my friend and colleague Molly Beran

    Total Duration 33:55

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to lead and deliver with Molly Beran Download episode 393

    Inspiring Women in Project Management

    Most days, you can find me working with a group of people, helping them learn how to improve their ability to lead and deliver. If you’ve listened to this podcast for a while, you may recall hearing me saying this previously--in our project management courses, the majority of participants are women. It’s characteristic of a trend we see week in and week out—project management is a rewarding and accessible career path for women to pursue.

    Because of that, I like to highlight women who are inspiring role models, particularly when it comes to leading teams and delivering projects. And in this episode, I’m excited to introduce you to my friend and colleague Molly Beran, who fits that description perfectly.

    Molly has not only spent extended time in the trenches, learning how to lead and deliver. Over the last couple of years, she’s also been a valued member of my speaking team. And she has expertly taught some of our biggest clients how to improve their ability to lead and deliver.

    This episode is a conversation between friends who equally geek out about project management and leadership. I look forward to you hearing some of the lessons that Molly has learned about these topics--I know you’re going to enjoy this.

    Learn more about Molly at Also, get your copy of (or give it as a gift) From Vision to Vows: Project Management Strategies for Weddings here.

    No Freaking Idea!

    Do you know someone who is in college or maybe recently graduated?

    My experience is there are a growing number of people who dread being asked the question, “So, what’s the plan?” When it comes to their career, they have no freaking idea!

    I bring this up because we’re rolling out a new course entitled just that: No Freaking Idea: How to Navigate Career Uncertaity. It’s a career guide for people who don’t know what they want to do, and it has been so fun to hear the feedback on the course.

    Whether it’s you who is wondering about next steps in your career or a son or daughter and you'd like to give them this as a gift, learn more by going to Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Brooklyn Nights by Tim Kulig
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Quantum Sparks [Full version] by MusicLFiles
    Free download:
    License (CC BY 4.0):

  • PPP 403 | The Project Manager's Path to Freelancing Success, with Kayla McGuire

    Total Duration 33:40

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to become a project management freelancer Download episode 403


    In this episode, Andy Kaufman interviews Kayla McGuire, a seasoned project manager and coach who runs a boot camp to help people learn and prepare for becoming a freelancer. They discuss Kayla's journey to project management and freelancing, lessons in leading projects, practical tips for running projects, reasons for pursuing freelancing, common mistakes in freelancing, and the importance of mentors. Kayla also shares insights on using LinkedIn effectively and the value of continual learning and personal development. The episode concludes with information about Kayla's freelancer boot camp.


    • Consider the possibility of freelancing or becoming an entrepreneur to experience more fulfillment and freedom in your career.
    • Recognize patterns in team dynamics and use pattern recognition to lead teams through projects more effectively.
    • Empower your teams to get the job done by having conversations about their goals, providing resources for learning and development, and building strong relationships through one-on-one meetings.
    • When considering freelancing, focus your energy on building your network and finding clients rather than spending time on non-essential tasks like website design or office remodeling.


    • 00:00 Andy's Introduction to the Episode
    • 01:57 Start of Interview
    • 02:09 Kayla's Path to Project Management and Freelancing
    • 06:00 Lessons in Leading Projects
    • 12:06 The Lure of Freelancing: Freedom and Autonomy
    • 15:03 Common Mistakes When Starting Freelancing
    • 17:07 Introducing the Freelancer Bootcamp
    • 19:10 The Importance of Finding Your Niche
    • 19:39 Leveraging LinkedIn for Success
    • 24:18 Continual Learning and Personal Development
    • 31:05 Balancing Work and Personal Life
    • 32:56 Final Thoughts

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Kayla and her boot camp at And connect with Kayla on LinkedIn at

    Gift a Loved One a Head Start With Their Career

    Do you know someone dealing with career uncertainty?

    My experience is there are a growing number of people who dread being asked the question, “So, what’s the plan?” When it comes to their career, they have no freaking idea!

    I bring this up because I want you to check out our new course entitled just that: No Freaking Idea: How to Navigate Career Uncertainty. It’s a career guide for people who don’t know what they want to do, and it has been so fun to hear the feedback on the course.

    Whether you are wondering about the next steps in your career or it's a son or daughter and you'd like to give them a head start as a gift, learn more by going to Thanks!

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Tranceverse by Sascha Ende
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Tuesday by Sascha Ende
    License (CC BY 4.0):

  • PPP 422 | Project Manager Productivity Hacks, with Nigel Creaser


    Total Duration 57:19

    Earn free PDUs while learning how to lead and deliver projects Download episode 422


    In this episode, Andy interviews Nigel Creaser, an active project professional and author of the book Project Manager Productivity Hacks. Nigel shares insights from his career and discusses strategies for managing interruptions and improving productivity. They also touch on the use of mobile devices and AI tools in project management.

    Overall, the conversation emphasizes the need for project managers to go beyond technical skills and prioritize the human aspect of their work. If you're looking for practical insights on how to lead teams and deliver projects, this is a great episode for you!

    Sound Bites

    • "Productivity isn't about winning. It's not like a sport... It's more like yoga and that you can always be a bit more stretched."
    • "Project management, I think, is messy, and we try to control the mess rather than go with the flow with the mess and kind of direct it."
    • (Nigel, about being a podcaster) "I try to be that person who's being cheeky and getting free consultancy."


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:23 Start of Interview
    • 01:58 Nigel's Backstory
    • 06:26 How Nigel Seeks to Minimize Interruptions
    • 11:18 Nigel's Advice About Email
    • 16:45 Mobile Devices and Productivity
    • 21:38 How Nigel and Andy are Using AI
    • 31:02 Project Management Lessons Nigel Has Learned
    • 36:29 Career Advice from Nigel's Journey
    • 45:31 About the Sunday Lunch Project Manager Podcast
    • 49:15 Wrap-Up
    • 49:34 Andy Comments After the Interview
    • 51:55 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Nigel, his books, and his Sunday Lunch Project Manager Podcast at

    If you’d like more on this subject, check out:

    • Episode 346 with Donna Gregorio. It's another in the trenches episode, and
    • Episode 169 with Emily Luijbregts. She is also a practicing project manager and we discuss challenges and lessons about leading virtual teams.


    Project Management for Students

    You know how valuable it is to know how to lead and deliver projects. But students often aren't taught these skills. We've taken some of our best content on project management and put into a course Getting Stuff Done: Project Management for Students. The feedback has been so positive. Give the gift of a headstart to a student you know by going to

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Tranceverse by Sascha Ende
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Funny by Frank Schroeter
    License (CC BY 4.0):

  • PPP 424 | Project Management Trends You Can't Ignore, with Karla Eidem

    Total Duration 35:58

    Earn free PDUs while learning project management trends Download episode 424


    In this episode, Andy interviews Karla Eidem, the Managing Director of North America region at Project Management Institute (PMI). The discussion focuses on the latest trends and developments in project management. They explore the evolution of project managers from executing technical aspects to becoming strategic partners in organizations. They also discuss the shift towards hybrid and agile approaches in project management and the impact of different work arrangements on team collaboration and project performance. Finally, they also touch on the role of AI in project management and the resources offered by PMI to support project professionals.

    If you're looking for insights on how to keep up with the latest trends in leading and delivering projects, this episode is for you!

    Sound Bites

    • "The role of the PMs has definitely shifted away from executing the technical aspects of a project to a strategic partner in the organization."
    • "Project managers must also be adaptable and resilient to the well ever-changing business environment and be very competent in risk management."
    • "A good project manager should know which tools to pull from their PM toolbox almost like a mechanic knowing what to do."
    • "Work location does not have a negative impact on project performance. In fact, project performance rates for in-person, hybrid, and remote work actually yield similar results."
    • "We need to be better storytellers. If we're not able to communicate effectively the value of what we do, then it'll be hard for the leaders of their organizations to even understand why they need to invest in project management."
    • "A hybrid approach is actually gaining ground as the fit-for-purpose approach."
    • "Performance levels are comparable for hybrid, agile, and predictive approaches."


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:24 Start of Interview
    • 04:39 How to Decide Between Traditional and Hybrid Approaches
    • 11:15 Findings About Remote, Hybrid, and In-Person Work
    • 14:41 Karla's Personal Experience With Remote Work
    • 16:45 Mobile Devices and Productivity
    • 19:56 How AI is Transforming Project Management
    • 25:00 Strategies for Continuous Learning Despite Busy Schedules
    • 28:56 Communicating the Value of Investing in Project Management
    • 32:41 Wrap-Up
    • 33:01 Andy Comments After the Interview
    • 34:35 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Pulse of the Profession® at

    AI for Project Managers and Leaders

    With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

    This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

    Go to to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: Quantum Sparks Full Version by MusicLFiles
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Chillhouse by Frank Schroeter
    License (CC BY 4.0):

  • PPP 426 | Sal Khan on AI’s Role in Education and Project Management

    Total Duration 28:20

    Earn free PDUs while learning about learning in the age of AI Download episode 426


    In this episode, Andy talks with Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, about his new book Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing). They discuss Sal's journey from tutoring his cousin to creating a global educational platform and the evolving role of AI in education. Sal emphasizes the importance of transparency and adaptability in using AI tools and shares his thoughts on productive strategies for teaching and learning in an AI-integrated world. The conversation also explores leadership lessons and efficient time management in both educational and professional settings.

    If you're curious about how to think about learning in the age of AI, Sal is one of the best voices to listen to!

    Sound Bites

    • "ChatGPT did not introduce cheating on essays. This happened well before. There are many ways to cheat that aren't plagiarism."
    • "I wasn't confrontational enough."
    • "I scrutinize every meeting, do I really need to be here? Do other people need to be here? Why are we meeting every week? Maybe we could do this three times a week or every second or third week."
    • "AI is an amplification of human intent. Bad actors are going to use it to amplify their bad intent. And no matter how many rules and laws and regulations we pass, they will ignore them and they will amplify their bad intent."
    • "People who work very long hours are the most unproductive people I know."
    • "Educated bravery is this idea of when something has potential risks, you shouldn't ignore those risks. That makes you complacent. That's irresponsible, but you should write those risks down and you shouldn't view those risks as reasons to run away or to not go in that direction, but you should manage those risks. You should be aware of them and maybe even turn them into features. Every problem is, you know, people famously say is an opportunity and that's the mindset that we've tried to take on."


    • 00:00 Introduction
    • 01:52 Start Of Interview
    • 02:01 How Is Education Currently Looking At AI?
    • 05:32 The Role Of AI Tutors And Khanmigo
    • 08:35 Educated Bravery
    • 10:20 What People Aren't Talking About Enough From The Book
    • 13:01 Sal's Project Management Lessons
    • 14:35 Advantage Of Looking At Things Through A Star Trek Lens
    • 16:58 Does More AI Lead To More Leisure?
    • 19:43 The Need To Be More Confrontational
    • 21:37 Wrap Up
    • 22:05 Andy Comments After The Interview
    • 27:07 Outtakes

    Learn More

    You can learn more about Khanmigo at

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    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

    Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: The Fantastical Ferret by Tim Kulig
    License (CC BY 4.0):

    Music: Synthiemania by Frank Schroeter
    License (CC BY 4.0):

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