What Could the Extreme Version of You Do?

What if you didn’t play it so safe? What could a more extreme version of you acccomplish? In this episode, Sarah Robb O’Hagan joins us to talk about her new book Extreme You: Step Up. Stand Out. Kick Ass. Repeat. The provocative title gives you a sense of Sarah’s style, and I trust this interview will spur you on to stop playing it so safe. Learn more about Sarah at https://extremeyou.com/.

Invest In Your Administrative Assistant

Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated by companies around the world each April, and I have an idea of how you can celebrate the admins who serve your area! Check out our Effective Administrative Assistant Webinar Series. It’s a 5-week course that I’ve shared with admins around the world, and I would love to help the admin who serves your team. We help your admin grow in areas, such as influence, conflict management, time management, and even project management! Visit https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/Admin today to learn more and sign-up.

Introduce a Video Episode!

In this episode, I invite you to send me your favorite breakfast spot in your town (it will make more sense when you listen to the episode!). Also, I invite you to send me a video of you or you and your team introducing an upcoming video episode! Let’s do this! Just email me an .mp4 file from your smartphone–no editing or high-production value required! Include your name, where you’re from, and a welcome to the podcast. That’s it! Email the file to show@peopleandprojectspodcast.com. Thanks!

Listener Survey

I’m constantly looking for ways to improve the podcast. Would you be willing to take 2 minutes and share your thoughts? Go to https://PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com/ListenerSurvey and help me know how I can help deliver exactly what you’re looking for. Thanks!

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

EXTREME DAYS by TobyMac available on http://amzn.to/2nX1Kef.

PYRO FLOW by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

Topics: Confidence, Career Development, Assertiveness

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