In this episode, Andy interviews Michelle Labrosse, the founder and Chief Cheetah of Cheetah Learning. They discuss Michelle’s career journey, the importance of learning and focus, and her approach to accelerated learning. Michelle shares insights...
In this episode, Andy talks with Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy, about his new book Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That’s a Good Thing). They discuss Sal’s journey from...
In this episode, Andy interviews Karla Eidem, the Managing Director of North America region at Project Management Institute (PMI). The discussion focuses on the latest trends and developments in project management. They explore the evolution...
In this episode, Andy interviews Nigel Creaser, an active project professional and author of the book Project Manager Productivity Hacks. Nigel shares insights from his career and discusses strategies for managing interruptions and improving productivity....
In this episode, Andy Kaufman interviews Kayla McGuire, a seasoned project manager and coach who runs a boot camp to help people learn and prepare for becoming a freelancer. They discuss Kayla’s journey to project...
Inspiring Women in Project Management Most days, you can find me working with a group of people, helping them learn how to improve their ability to lead and deliver. If you’ve listened to this podcast...
PMeLa Takes the Mic Hi! You will recall back in episode 384 I introduced you to an AI persona I had developed named PMeLa. She’s an AI designed to be an expert in project management...
Introducing Andy Tryba and John Chmela When you think of artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT, what comes to mind? Do you find it intriguing for how it can help us as people who are...
In The Trenches With Yasmina Khelifi If you’re a long-time listener of the People and Projects Podcast, you may recall that every once in a while we have a type of episode that we call...
Preparing for the Next Rogue Wave we’re continuing a series of episodes on the topic of the future. It’s hard to imagine that we can be effective at leading others if we’re not forward thinking....