Making Wise Decisions Think about some past decisions. Can you recall one that turned out well and another that, in hindsight, didn’t go as planned? It’s important to analyze these instances – what factors influenced...
Dangerously Divided Times I’d like you to think of some examples of divides in your life. It could be with a friend or relative that has radically different beliefs about politics or social causes. Or...
“What’s A Risk You’re Glad You Took?” I asked this question to my LinkedIn network recently, and it led to a long thread of responses. The two most mentioned examples were job changes and moving...
Say It Right the First Time So much of what we do when leading teams and projects comes down to communication. Whether it’s written or spoken, with a large audience or an informal conversation or...
Focusing On What Really Matters When you don’t have enough time, what’s the first thing that gets cut from your schedule? Now, of course, the answer is “it depends.” But I asked this question recently...
Stop Drowning At Work Have you ever heard someone say they are drowning at work? Maybe you feel like that even right now as you start this episode. If a sink is broken and water...
Permission to Offend Is it possible to be too nice? We have a vigorous discussion around this question in our Essentials of Project Management workshop. There’s almost always a resounding response of “Yes! It is...
Building Your Brand Without Being Pushy What comes to mind when you think of personal branding? Some feel that personal branding is superficial. Or inauthentic. Instead of focusing on our brand, we should focus on...
Navigating Parenting As the dad of 5 kids, I think back to when we had our first child. Those early days were a blur for both my wife and me. And as more kids came...
Winners Never Quit? It’s a cliche that winners never quit, and quitters never win. The only problem with that, of course, is that it oversimplifies the reality of the world we live and lead in....