Stop Procrastinating! I have so looked forward to sharing this episode with you! It’s just that…. I kept finding other things to do! But the wait is over! My guest today is Piers Steel, author...

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Smartcuts, Not Shortcuts We go to ‘work’, not ‘play’. Success typically takes work, not sitting back and visualizing wonderful things. But what if there were ways to hack the ‘pay your dues’ route? What if...

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We are Family? Most companies no longer feel like ‘family’. But the ‘free agent’ approach has limitations as well. My guest today is Ben Casnocha. He is the co-author of a new book entitled The...

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Do You Feel Influential? Project managers are influencers, though we often think of other sides of the business as the ones who influence the most: senior executives, lawyers, salespeople, etc. Our guest today is Alfonso Bucero,...

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Never Had a Failed Project? Have you ever had a project that failed? Be careful–this is a truth test! If someone tells you they always deliver on time, on budget, with all the specified scope,...

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The ‘Me Monster’ We live in an age of relentless self-promotion. Some people in the workplace remind me of comedian Brian Regan’s sketch entitled I Walked On The Moon (see below). Ever worked with the...

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