Playing the Game or Just Getting Played? In this episode, I welcome Dan Rust, author of Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game or Just Getting Played? If you get sick of office politics, join the...

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Tough Boss or Bully? In this episode, I welcome workplace bullying expert Paul Pelletier. He’s a lawyer, a PMP, and author of Workplace Bullying: It’s Just Bad for Business: Prevention, Management, & Elimination Strategies for...

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All the World’s a Stage Could it be that everything we do is a performance? Every interaction, at work and at home? That’s the premise of Cathy Salit’s new book Performance Breakthrough: A Radical Approach...

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Negotiating Emotionally Charged Conflicts In this episode, I welcome Harvard’s Daniel Shapiro to talk about his new book Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts. If you lead projects and teams,...

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How Culturally Intelligent Are You? In this episode I welcome Dr. Tom Verghese from Cultural Synergies to talk about the importance of raising our cultural intelligence (what he calls CQ). Check out his website for...

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Introducing Bruce Harpham In this episode I welcome Bruce Harpham from Bruce is a regular blogger on topics related to career advancement for project managers. Check out his website and sign-up for a free...

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Out of the Shallows Project managers are constantly tasked with juggling priorities and managing interruptions. We live in the shallows, so to speak, not the deep. Getting time for focused work seems increasingly difficult. In...

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