I was never a proponent of throwing one of our young kids into the deep end and saying, “OK, swim!” But could it be that the best way to learn how to lead is to,…
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Though the Christmas songs may say that, your experience as we end the year may not exactly line up with the sentiment. In this short video, I…
Speaking Up When It’s Risky How do you speak truth to power? In episode 236 we talked with Harvard’s Amy Edmondson, who made the evidence-based case for how important it is to foster psychologically safe…
What I Taught Today The last time you said “I love meetings!” was probably, when? Never? Hah! To the contrary, meetings seem like an enormous waste of time in too many situations, right? I recently…
What I Taught Today You’re likely making this mistake when building your network. Whether it’s your connections social media or how you build relationships at work or with your projects, left to our own devices…
What I Taught Today On my way to teach an MBA class this morning, I tried and tried to give away a free donut. And I couldn’t get a taker. OK, I admit, maybe it’s…
What I Taught Today Recently I heard a presenter talk about what he referred to as “the happiness formula”. In this 4-minute video, I talk about what I like and don’t like about the formula…