Managing Projects and Teams One of my favorite voices in the world of leading and delivering is Johanna Rothman. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Johanna for a couple of decades now and throughout that...
Much Of How We Think About the Brain is Wrong Today we’re having a discussion about the brain. Actually, it’s more than that–we’re going to talk about how a lot of what we think we...
Fun is Serious Business How much fun would you say you and your team have as you go through your day-to-day work? When you look back over the pandemic experience thus far, there are plenty...
Leading Virtual Teams That Work Though many people are slowly starting to return to the office for at least part of the week, there’s reason to think that we’ll be leading teams and projects with...
The Power of Trust A key aspect for us to grow in our ability to lead and deliver comes down to trust. It’s difficult to follow someone we don’t trust, right? Yet trust can be...
The Working Project Manager Mom A common struggle I see is the challenges and expectations faced by working moms. I think it’s challenging for any working mom, but since many of our listeners are in...
Preparing for the Convergence It’s hard to imagine that we can be effective at leading others if we’re not forward-thinking. But the future is so unsure–clouded at times by apocalyptic visions of machines taking over...
Lessons in Project Leadership One of my favorite voices on how to lead projects is Kiron Bondale. He joined us back in episode 92 for an In the Trenches episode, and I’ve been a fan...
Two Interviews in One I’ve been looking forward to sharing this interview with Dana Brownlee for many weeks. In many ways, it’s two interviews wrapped up into one. We start by talking with Dana about...
Building Resilience After a Pandemic For most of us, living through a crisis like a global pandemic has taken a toll. As leaders, we not only have to navigate difficult times well ourselves—we also have...