PPP 244 | (Video) How Do You Deal With Endings?

February 2, 2019

How do you deal with endings? This was a week of endings for me. We moved my dad into assisted living. He’s excited about the change. For anyone who has had to go through this with an unwilling parent, I can only imagine how much more trying that is.

But endings are not easy, right? He moved out of the house he built. He lived in it for over 50 years. It’s the home we grew up in, soon to be refurbished and lived in by someone we’ve never met. They’ll never know the memories that were made in that home.

Whether with a home, with a parent, a relationship, a job, a project, and in so many other ways, we have to navigate endings. Some are easier than others, but endings offer up challenges as well as opportunities. In this brief video, I share some important lessons about dealing with the endings we face. For my LinkedIn article on the topic, see https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-do-you-deal-endings-andy-kaufman-pmp-pmi-acp/

Let Me Hear From You!

What do you think about these ideas on endings? How do you try to end well? Let’s connect on LinkedIn and discuss! I’d love to hear your thoughts! Also, what have you been learning lately? What are you reading? Please e-mail me (show@PeopleAndProjectsPodcast.com) or leave a message on our Listener Feedback Line (847-550-3747). I look forward to hearing from you!

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Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

FUNKORAMA by Kevin Macleod Licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 License.

Topics: Leadership, Career, Success, Setbacks

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