Permission to Offend

Is it possible to be too nice?

We have a vigorous discussion around this question in our Essentials of Project Management workshop. There’s almost always a resounding response of “Yes! It is possible to be too nice.”

That discussion is based on an idea we covered in episode 320 with Greg Githins. Greg says, “Leadership is a practice of kindness, but it’s not always a practice of niceness.” 

We’re going to build on that idea in this episode. I’m joined by Rachel Luna. She’s the author of a new book entitled Permission to Offend: The Compassionate Guide for Living Unfiltered and Unafraid.

Are there times when you feel like you should be speaking up but are afraid to do so? Or when you worry perhaps too much about what other people think? Have you found yourself confounded about why someone reacted the way they did? Stay with us because Rachel will share some insights that you can start putting to work immediately.

Learn more about Rachel and her work at

Also, for more on this topic, check out episode 371 with Amanda Ripley and her book High Conflict. It’s a great follow-up to this discussion.

Do You Have a High School or College Age Student in Your Family?

If so, check out our e-learning program Getting Stuff Done: Project Management for Students. It provides practical skills to reduce the stress of their school work and help jumpstart their career. Learn more and get access at

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills

Topics: Project Management, Leadership, Management, Parenting, Family

The following music was used for this episode:

Music: Tarantino 1 by Frank Schroeter
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

Music: Road Trip by Frank Schroeter
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):

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