Becoming an Expert Problem-Finder

Chances are, you have a reputation as a good problem-solver. That reputation very well could be one of the factors that has led to your success thus far. But here’s the problem, and perhaps you’re already seeing it. The higher you get up in an organization, the larger the scale of your projects and responsibilities, the more difficult the problems you face.

I’m joined today by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, author of a new book entitled What’s Your Problem?: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve

Learn more about Thomas and his book at

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Learn how to improve your ability to lead and deliver! Join us this fall for the same project management program we deliver in-house at organizations around the world! Learn more at Use a coupon code of VirtualPM20 to save $150 USD on the entire program!

Let’s Stay In Touch!

I hear from listeners almost every day and I love it! How about you and I connect on LinkedIn? Go to and Follow me (I’ve maxed out the connections but if you Follow me, I’ll Follow you back!)

Also, all of our other workshops and keynotes are available in a virtual format. Whether you have a live or virtual event, we can help you invest in your team. Learn more at Thanks!

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills

Topics: Leadership, Project Management, Problem-Solving

Georgia Overdrive and Vienna Beat by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License

Sherlock Deduction-A Study in Pink scene, BBC

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