PPP 037 | Making Better Decisions through 10-10-10

Total Duration 6:35

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Hello! Welcome to the 10th month of this 10th year in this century! In this episode, I'm sharing insights from a book I've recently read: 10-10-10: A Fast and Powerful Way to Get Unstuck in Love, at Work, and with Your Family, by Suzy Welch.

The title sounds more like a subject for an Oprah audience than project managers and leaders! However, I think you'll find the ideas in the book helpful with your projects, with your team, and in your personal life.

Let me know what questions you have after listening to the cast. And be sure to share the ideas from 10-10-10 with your team.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills

PPP 036 | Engaging Your Employees, with author Brad Federman

Episode Duration 32:24

Download episode 36

Research would indicate that they may be less engaged than you think, which is why we're spending time in this episode with Brad Federman. Brad is the President of Performancepoint, a leading performance improvement company. Brad recently authored Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance, and Increasing Loyalty. I had the opportunity to talk with Brad recently and look forward to sharing that interview with you in this episode.

Thanks for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

PPP 035 | Delivering Projects Through People, with author Dave Po-Chedley, PMP

Total Duration 32:12

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If you've followed this podcast or attended one of my keynotes on project management or leadership, you've likely caught onto my bias that the biggest successes, the biggest joys, the biggest failures, and the biggest stresses often come down to the same thing: people. Project management is ultimately people management.

Success with people management--and thus project management--can significantly depend on our effectiveness in areas such as communication, influence, and building relationships. One of the freshest voices on the people side of project management is consultant Dave Po-Chedley, PMP, author of Client Relationship Management: How to Turn Client Relationships into a Competitive Advantage. I had the opportunity to catch up with Dave recently and look forward to sharing that interview with you in this episode.

I invite you to learn more about Dave and the work of Cambridge Consulting (http://www.cambridgeconsult.com and http://www.pminsight.us).

One last thing: I received a message from a listener that I wanted to share with you:

Hi Andy,

I attended your 1-day tutorial at Better Software in June. That session was worth the price of the whole trip. Great, transformative stuff! I have since changed my listening habits in the car: I listen to management podcasts now. I decided to propose the Outlaw Team idea to my boss who leads an entire division in my company. He liked the idea and had me present it to his weekly leadership meeting. All the VPs liked the idea, with some suggestions. I then suggested action items to move it forward. My boss volunteered me to carry the ball. Yikes! Now I have to try and be the Andy Kaufman of our company. Nah. I'll just be me and see where we get. Never thought I'd go from eager student to mentoring others in leadership skills.

Thanks for your great work! Charlie

Well, congratulations to Charlie for taking action on the learning

Thanks for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

PPP 033.1 | Premium: Discussion Questions for Leading Teams, with Harvard Professor Dr. J. Richard Hackman

We previously had a Premium Podcast stream only available to subscribers. We've now removed that restriction. Over time we are releasing those former episodes, including this one.

Attached you will find a file you can use to facilitate a discussion about the interview with Dr. J. Richard Hackman. I recommend you have your team listen to the podcast episode ahead of time for maximum benefit. Please don't hesitate to contact me at with any questions. Thank you for being a premium subscriber!

Click here to open a PDF of the file


PPP 033 | Leading Teams, with Harvard Professor Dr. J. Richard Hackman

Episode Duration 34:39

Download episode 33

I can easily recall the days before I became a manager.

I started my career as a software developer, which by nature of how software gets created, usually meant work being done in teams. When my team leader or manager would mess up in some way, I would occasionally think, when I finally get to lead a team, I'm going to do things differently! How hard can this be?

Then I became a manager! It was then that I truly realized that it's one thing to talk about leading teams--it's a whole different deal when you have to be the leader and your team members aren't necessarily as motivated as you want them to be, or priorities change, or your senior management seems dim-witted, and you feel overwhelmed.

The truth is that leading teams well is difficult work, often under-estimated by those who haven't had to hold the reins. One of my favorite experts on this topic is Harvard professor J. Richard Hackman. In this cast I look forward to sharing a recent discussion I had with Dr. Hackman based on his book Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances. In addition, check out Dr. Hackman's book Senior Leadership Teams: What It Takes to Make Them Great.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

More Articles ...

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  2. PPP 031 | Leading Teams with Meaning, with Dr. Adam Grant
  3. PPP 030 | Wired to Care, with author Dev Patnaik
  4. PPP 029 | The Project Success Method, with author Clint Padgett
  5. PPP 028 | Influence Without Authority Scenarios, Part 2
  6. PPP 027 | How to Influence Without Authority, an interview with author Dr. Allan Cohen
  7. PPP 026 | How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help. Part 2 of an Interview with Dr. Ed Schein
  8. PPP 025 | Corporate Culture Survival, with Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus, Dr. Ed Schein
  9. PPP 024 | PDUs for PMPs, with guest Cornelius Fichtner, PMP
  10. PPP 023 | Steve Martin and Andy Kaufman on Influence
  11. PPP 022 | Who's Got Your Back? An interview with bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi
  12. PPP 021 | The New Year Money Episode, with author and speaker Matt Bell
  13. PPP 020 | Accountability That Works! An interview with author and speaker John G. Miller
  14. PPP 019 | Making New Year's Resolutions StickK! An interview with Jordan Goldberg, CEO of stickK.com
  15. PPP 018 | Project Management Beyond PMI, an interview with Bill Duncan, primary author of the original PMBOK(R) Guide
  16. PPP 017 | Take Back Your Life! An interview with author John Wittry
  17. PPP 016 | World of Thanks, a special Thanksgiving podcast episode
  18. PPP 015 | Is Failure an Option? An interview with Ralph Heath, author of Celebrating Failure
  19. PPP 014 | How to Know What You Don't Know, an interview with author Michael Roberto
  20. PPP 013 | Managing Politics and Conflict in Projects, with author Brian Irwin, PMP
  21. PPP 012 | Why Feedback Doesn't Work, with Charles Jacobs, author of Management Rewired
  22. PPP 011 | Fierce Leadership, an interview with author Susan Scott
  23. PPP 010 | Managing Generation Y, an interview with author and speaker Bruce Tulgan
  24. PPP 009 | Why New Systems Fail, an interview with author Phil Simon
  25. PPP 008 | Managing Extreme Projects, with author and consultant Doug DeCarlo
  26. PPP 007 | Leading and Delivering with Virtual Teams, with guest Dr. Karen Sobel Lojeski
  27. PPP 006 | Getting More Done with Less Stress, with guest Jason Womack
  28. PPP 005 | How Engaged Are Your Teams? Got Conflict? A conversation with Kenneth W. Thomas, author of "Intrinsic Motivation at Work"
  29. PPP 004 | Increasing Your Charisma, with guest Dr. Nick Morgan, author of "Trust Me: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma"
  30. PPP 003 | The Myth of Multitasking, with guest author Dave Crenshaw
  31. PPP 002 | Project Sponsorship, with guest Alfonso Bucero, PMP
  32. PPP 001 | Why Social Networking Matters