PPP 044 | Think Small! An interview with Phil Simon, author of The New Small

I have to tell you: I love running a small company.

In today's interview I'll tell the story of a small company that doesn't act small. You may work for yourself, for a small company, or for a huge multinational organization. I'm convinced that your ability to act like a small company is more about how you look at things than it is the number of employees.

And that's just one of the themes of my friend and colleague Phil Simon, who recently released his latest book entitled The New Small: How a New Breed of Small Businesses Is Harnessing the Power of Emerging Technologies. For years I've found Phil's insights to be fresh, on target, and actionable. Enjoy the interview

Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Duration: 22:15

Download episode 44

PPP 043 | The Way We're Working Isn't Working, Part 2

Episode Duration 16:55

Download episode 43

Hopefully you've already had a chance to listen to the first part of my interview with Tony Schwartz. In this second part, Tony talks about the concept of pulsing, and gets very transparent about his struggle to implement these ideas.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

PPP 042 | The Way We're Working Isn't Working, Part 1

Episode Duration 20:30

Download episode 42

Let me take a guess... You don't have time to listen to this podcast episode. Oh, you're listening to it, but perhaps you're driving or trying to do e-mail--hopefully not both--while you do it!

We're so busy, and the overall toll on us and our productivity can be overwhelming, which made me think of Tony Schwartz's book The Way We're Working Isn't Working. Tony is a gifted writer and speaker and an expert on helping us perform at our best. I had the opportunity to spend some time talking with Tony and have divided the interview into two podcast episodes.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

PPP 041 | New Year's Resolutions for Project Managers

Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but I love when a new year comes around! I love the opportunity to look and consider the previous year: accomplishments, challenges, blessings, mistakes, and lessons. It's an opportunity to take a renewed look at the year ahead and set goals.

Yet there's the problem with New Year's resolutions. Ask the average person--and I do in this video podcast with some "man on the streets" interviews--and they'll tell you resolutions don't work. Or at least they don't last.

In this brief video podcast I share some key lessons to help project managers and leaders set better goals, just in time for the new year!

NOTE: In this episode I mentioned Stickk.com. Make sure to check them out! Also, you can listen to my interview with the CEO of Stickk.com in this previous episode of The People and Projects Podcast.

Here's to a very prosperous and successful year ahead for you! Thank you for subscribing to The People and Projects Podcast!

Download the episode 41

PPP 039 | Networking for People Who Hate Networking: An interview with author Devora Zack

What do you think of when I say the term "networking"? If your first response was TCP/IP or Ethernet, you have even more work than I expected! But kidding aside, when you think of networking in terms of developing relationships, what comes to mind?

Frankly, for many years I knew I should be networking more but I tended to see it as a rather sleazy endeavor--an activity that people did just to get stuff from other people. Yet in a struggling and unpredictable economy, there are more reasons than ever to actively develop relationships.

The problem is that most relationship-building books seem to be written for extroverts. But what about the rest of us?

Well, to help you come up with a relationship building strategy for the year ahead I'm excited to introduce you to Devora Zack, author of a recently published book entitled Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed and the Underconnected.

Learn more about Devora and Only Connect Consulting at http://www.onlyconnectconsulting.com.

Thank you for joining us for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Total Duration: 26:19

Download episode 39

More Articles ...

  1. PPP 038 | How to Manage Your Boss, an interview with author and speaker Bruce Tulgan
  2. PPP 037 | Making Better Decisions through 10-10-10
  3. PPP 036 | Engaging Your Employees, with author Brad Federman
  4. PPP 035 | Delivering Projects Through People, with author Dave Po-Chedley, PMP
  5. PPP 033.1 | Premium: Discussion Questions for Leading Teams, with Harvard Professor Dr. J. Richard Hackman
  6. PPP 033 | Leading Teams, with Harvard Professor Dr. J. Richard Hackman
  7. PPP 032 | Become a More Effective Leader Using the Latest Brain Science
  8. PPP 031 | Leading Teams with Meaning, with Dr. Adam Grant
  9. PPP 030 | Wired to Care, with author Dev Patnaik
  10. PPP 029 | The Project Success Method, with author Clint Padgett
  11. PPP 028 | Influence Without Authority Scenarios, Part 2
  12. PPP 027 | How to Influence Without Authority, an interview with author Dr. Allan Cohen
  13. PPP 026 | How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help. Part 2 of an Interview with Dr. Ed Schein
  14. PPP 025 | Corporate Culture Survival, with Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus, Dr. Ed Schein
  15. PPP 024 | PDUs for PMPs, with guest Cornelius Fichtner, PMP
  16. PPP 023 | Steve Martin and Andy Kaufman on Influence
  17. PPP 022 | Who's Got Your Back? An interview with bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi
  18. PPP 021 | The New Year Money Episode, with author and speaker Matt Bell
  19. PPP 020 | Accountability That Works! An interview with author and speaker John G. Miller
  20. PPP 019 | Making New Year's Resolutions StickK! An interview with Jordan Goldberg, CEO of stickK.com
  21. PPP 018 | Project Management Beyond PMI, an interview with Bill Duncan, primary author of the original PMBOK(R) Guide
  22. PPP 017 | Take Back Your Life! An interview with author John Wittry
  23. PPP 016 | World of Thanks, a special Thanksgiving podcast episode
  24. PPP 015 | Is Failure an Option? An interview with Ralph Heath, author of Celebrating Failure
  25. PPP 014 | How to Know What You Don't Know, an interview with author Michael Roberto
  26. PPP 013 | Managing Politics and Conflict in Projects, with author Brian Irwin, PMP
  27. PPP 012 | Why Feedback Doesn't Work, with Charles Jacobs, author of Management Rewired
  28. PPP 011 | Fierce Leadership, an interview with author Susan Scott
  29. PPP 010 | Managing Generation Y, an interview with author and speaker Bruce Tulgan
  30. PPP 009 | Why New Systems Fail, an interview with author Phil Simon
  31. PPP 008 | Managing Extreme Projects, with author and consultant Doug DeCarlo
  32. PPP 007 | Leading and Delivering with Virtual Teams, with guest Dr. Karen Sobel Lojeski
  33. PPP 006 | Getting More Done with Less Stress, with guest Jason Womack
  34. PPP 005 | How Engaged Are Your Teams? Got Conflict? A conversation with Kenneth W. Thomas, author of "Intrinsic Motivation at Work"
  35. PPP 004 | Increasing Your Charisma, with guest Dr. Nick Morgan, author of "Trust Me: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma"
  36. PPP 003 | The Myth of Multitasking, with guest author Dave Crenshaw
  37. PPP 002 | Project Sponsorship, with guest Alfonso Bucero, PMP
  38. PPP 001 | Why Social Networking Matters