PPP 421 | A Leader's Guide to More and Better Sleep, with sleep specialist Dr. Bijoy John

Total Duration 37:48

Earn free PDUs while learning how to get more sleep Download episode 421


In this episode, Andy dives deep into the world of sleep with Dr. Bijoy John, author of Nobody's Sleeping: Seven Proven Sleep Strategies for Better Health. Dr. John shares his personal journey with sleep issues, discusses the widespread impact of poor sleep on health and performance, and offers practical advice for improving sleep quality.

Do you have trouble getting to sleep? Or do you wake up in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep? From the importance of naps to the dangers of screen time before bed, this episode covers a wide range of sleep-related topics relevant to professionals and parents alike.

Sound Bites

  • "Society as a whole is operating on sleep debt and the main culprit there is your phone."
  • "A workforce that is well rested performs better, makes less mistakes, tends to have better mental health so they're less anxious, and less defensive."
  • "So the key here is the nap should be only for 30, maximum 40 minutes because you're following your biorhythm. This is a bio hack."
  • "The bedroom is only for sex and sleeping, not for snoring or worrying."
  • "I believe by sleeping better, the world can be a better place."


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 02:36 Start of interview
  • 02:49 Even NFL teams should know about naps
  • 03:50 How lack of sleep impacts areas of our life
  • 05:13 Cardiologists often don't realize sleep might be the problem
  • 06:21 Dr. John's struggles with sleep
  • 09:06 Ineffective Sleep Aids
  • 11:11 Power Naps and Sleep Debt
  • 12:32 Why a consistent sleep schedule is challenging
  • 14:13 Having a consistent shutdown routine
  • 19:37 What about when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep?
  • 22:38 Try Dr. John's Vivid Imagination technique
  • 24:07 Resources on Dr. John's website
  • 25:00 Tips for better sleep, for parents and kids
  • 30:39 Wrap-up
  • 31:58 Andy's comments after the interview
  • 35:24 Outtakes

Learn More

You can learn more about Dr. John and his Sleep Fix Academy at SleepFixAcademy.com.

If you’d like more on this subject, check out episodes 132 and 106 with Tom Rath. Tom is the author of Eat, Move, Sleep and other books with a similar theme.


AI for Project Managers and Leaders

With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills


The following music was used for this episode:

Music: The Fantastical Ferret by Tim Kulig
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Fashion Corporate by Frank Schroeter
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

PPP 420 | Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager, with FranklinCovey's Kory Kogon

Total Duration 53:55

Earn free PDUs while learning how to lead and deliver projects Download episode 420


In this episode, Andy interviews Kory Kogon, FranklinCovey’s Vice President of Content Development, about her updated book, Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager. They discuss the prevalence of unofficial project managers in various industries, especially post-pandemic, and the unique challenges they face. Kory shares insights on foundational behaviors, clarifying expectations, stakeholder management, and risk management.

The conversation also delves into the significance of accountability and performance discussions, particularly for those leading without formal authority.

If you lead projects, regardless of your title, this discussion is for you!

Sound Bites

  • "We often find that at least 80% of the participants in our project management workshops don't have the word project in their title. Yet you could argue that, in many ways, we're all project managers."
  • "The top reasons why projects fail are unclear scope, key stakeholders wanting different things, lack of communication, not knowing the roles, having the wrong people in roles, and scope creep."
  • "Accountability takes on a different lens. It's not punitive. It's mutual accountability."
  • "A cadence of accountability sets up a team that is inspired to want to do the work."


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 02:23 Start of Interview
  • 02:41 In What Ways Are We All Project Managers?
  • 05:09 The Top Reasons Why Projects Struggle
  • 07:45 Clarifying Expectations in Projects
  • 14:06 Identifying and Managing Stakeholders
  • 18:40 Managing Risks in Projects
  • 24:20 The Importance of Accountability
  • 26:36 The Essence of Accountability in Leadership
  • 28:03 Creating a Cadence of Accountability
  • 31:54 Navigating Informal Authority and Performance Conversations
  • 37:26 Clarifying Project Scope and Managing Change
  • 43:36 Interview Wrap-Up
  • 44:25 Andy's Comments After the Interview
  • 47:44 Outtakes

Learn More

You can learn more about Kory and her book (and download a sample chapter) at FranklinCovey.com.

If you’d like more on this subject, check out:

  • Episode 405, with Gil Broza about scaling good project practices across the organization
  • Episode 376, with Nick Sonnenberg about his book Come Up for Air
  • Episode 129, with Kory about her book The Five Choices


AI for Project Managers and Leaders

With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Ways of Working


The following music was used for this episode:

Music: Brooklyn Nights by Tim Kulig
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Chillhouse by Frank Schroeter
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

PPP 419 | How to Fix Your Boss (and Your Team), with Molly McGrath

Total Duration 39:10

Earn free PDUs while learning how to improve workplace dynamics Download episode 419


In this episode, Andy interviews Molly McGrath, author of the book Fix My Boss: A Simple Plan to Cultivate Respect, Risk Courageous Conversations, and Increase The Bottom Line. They discuss practical ways to improve the relationship between bosses and employees, including having courageous conversations, setting clear expectations, and implementing accountability measures.

Molly emphasizes the importance of focus management and prioritization to combat the feeling of being busy. She also shares insights on empowering women in the workplace and applying project management principles to family life. Overall, the conversation provides actionable strategies for both managers and employees to cultivate respect and increase productivity.

Sound Bites

  • "Blaming your boss fixes nothing. And by the way, it's easy for bosses to do the same thing."
  • "We don't speak up because we're afraid it'll create conflict. And by not doing it, it creates conflict."
  • "Busy is usually a focus problem. It might be lack of clarity or an unrealistic amount of workload. But it's often a matter of focus."


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:36 Start of Interview
  • 02:09 Molly's Backstory and Influences
  • 04:16 Understanding Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
  • 06:25 The Power of the Pause for Managers and Employees
  • 10:38 The Importance of Courageous Conversations
  • 15:04 Daily Progress Reports: Not Micromanaging, But Empowering
  • 22:11 Challenging the Concept of Being 'Busy'
  • 25:11 Empowering Women in the Workplace
  • 28:39 Applying Project Management at Home
  • 30:30 Interview Wrap-Up
  • 31:00 Andy comments after the interview
  • 34:30 Outtakes

Learn More

You can learn more about Molly and her book at FixMyBossBook.com.

If you’d like more on this subject, check out:

  • Episode 410, with Ryan Hawk about his insightful book on excellence (I consider it a must-read)
  • Episode 366, with Michael Timms about his book on accountability, and
  • Episode 209, with Ron Lovett about his book on empowering your teams

AI for Project Managers and Leaders

With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills


The following music was used for this episode:

Music: Echo by Alexander Nakarada
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Tropical Vibe by MinneTheMoog
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

PPP 418 | How to Be Unoffendable, and Other Leadership Lessons About Excellence, with Randy Fox

Total Duration 39:26

Earn free PDUs while learning how to develop excellence Download episode 418


In this episode, Andy Kaufman interviews his friend Randy Fox about his book The Call to Excellence: Influential Leadership for Impactful Results. Randy shares the backstory of his signature story, the Silver Platter Service, and how it can apply to leadership. They discuss the pursuit of excellence and the difference between being perfect and pursuing our highest and best. They also talk about the importance of being unoffendable and open to feedback, as well as the basics of leadership, such as kindness, communication, and consistency. Randy emphasizes the need for intentional self-improvement and even how these principles apply to parenting.

Sound Bites

  • "The art of listening is hearing what the person is not saying."
  • "When you watch yourself, the film doesn't lie."
  • "The silver platter isn't about how we collect the trash, it's how we serve someone else and how we lead them through those projects, through those outcomes, through life."
  • "There's a difference between being kind and nice."


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:01 Start of Interview
  • 01:11 The Silver Platter story
  • 03:58 What does pursuing excellence NOT mean?
  • 06:32 The difference between surviving and thriving
  • 07:56 Being unoffendable
  • 14:34 Lessons from refs
  • 17:39 About sincerity and truth
  • 21:56 Be brilliant with the basics
  • 24:27 How to be a better communicator
  • 26:46 How to not get complacent with our learning
  • 31:17 Applying these lessons as parents
  • 33:08 Interview Wrap Up
  • 33:40 Andy Comments After the Interview
  • 36:49 Outtakes

Learn More

You can learn more about Randy and his book at FoxPoint.net.

If you’d like more on this subject, check out:

  • Episode 301, with Peter Kozodoy about his book on honesty
  • Episode 345, with Darren Reinke about his book about being a savage leader

AI for Project Managers and Leaders

With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills


The following music was used for this episode:

Music: Echo by Alexander Nakarada
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Fashion Corporate by Frank Schroter
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

PPP 417 | Secrets to Building Your Character (and the Character of Your Team), with Mary Crossan and Bill Furlong

Total Duration 56:03

Earn free PDUs while learning how to develop character Download episode 417


In this episode, Andy talks with Dr. Mary Crossan and Bill Furlong to discuss their book, The Character Compass. They explore the concept of character and its importance in leadership. Mary and Bill debunk myths and misconceptions about character and highlight the interconnected nature of its dimensions.

The framework they introduce consists of 11 dimensions of character, including integrity, courage, humility, and temperance. They emphasize the importance of developing these dimensions to enhance leadership effectiveness and well-being. The conversation also touches on the role of character in decision-making and the need for character development in organizations. The conversation concludes with a discussion on how parents can cultivate a culture of character in their families.

Do you want a better understanding of what character actually is? And how to develop it for you and your team? This episode is for you!

Sound Bites

  • "Character is actually built in these tiny decisions that we make every single day. And then it's more revealed than it is built in those moments of challenge."
  • "We need leaders of character, whether it's leaders of countries or organizations or project teams. Leaders of character stand out and make a difference."
  • "People think character is the same as personality. Character is really around observable habits of behavior."
  • "Anyone can learn this. Anyone can change those habits of behavior. You are not doomed to your circumstances and you are not doomed to your personality."
  • "Who have I become while I've been busy doing? Who am I becoming while I'm busy doing? Who do I want to become while I'm busy doing?"
  • "I have to find ways to be in a position where I can feel vulnerable and I can experience what it's like to make mistakes."


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:28 Start of Interview
  • 01:39 What are some ways you saw character demonstrated in your family?
  • 05:25 Myths and misconceptions about character
  • 10:35 What is leader character?
  • 12:42 Could be when instead of if someone has character?
  • 17:17 Introducing the character framework
  • 23:07 Can you have too much of an element of character?
  • 30:01 Is nervousness before a presentation a matter of courage?
  • 33:25 Finding our own Achilles heel with character
  • 38:52 The power of micro-moments
  • 44:39 Developing character at home
  • 36:28 Three questions to ask
  • 49:45 Interview Wrap Up
  • 50:26 Andy Comments After the Interview
  • 53:38 Outtakes

Learn More

You can learn more about Mary at Ivey.UWO.ca.

If you’d like more on this subject, check out Episode 139, with Fred Keil about his book on leadership and character.

AI for Project Managers and Leaders

With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Power Skills


The following music was used for this episode:

Music: Imagefilm 034 by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/2935-imagefilm-034
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Synthiemania by Frank Schroter
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

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  140. PPP 277 | What That Argument Is Really About
  141. PPP 276 | Why Are We Yelling? Author Buster Benson on How to Have Productive Disagreements
  142. PPP 275 | Turning Stakeholders and Team Members Into Fans, with author David Meerman Scott
  143. PPP 274 | The Fearless and Irreverent Project Manager, with author J. Scott
  144. PPP 273 | Spy Skills for Project Managers, with former CIA spy Jason Hanson
  145. PPP 272 | (Video) The Story You Want to Tell Your Grandkids
  146. PPP 271 | (Video) What a Tour Guide Taught Me About Influence
  147. PPP 270 | (Video) One Idea for the Crazy Busy
  148. PPP 269 | How to Be an Indistractable Leader, with bestselling author Nir Eyal
  149. PPP 268 | Getting People To Think Your Idea Is Their Idea, with Oren Klaff
  150. PPP 267 | (Video) How Do You Reduce The Waste Around You?
  151. PPP 266 | How to Solve Any Problem and Make the Best Decisions by Shifting Creative Mindsets, with Michael Roberto
  152. PPP 265 | (Video) Is Project Management Just Dumb Luck?
  153. PPP 264 | (Video) One of the Fastest Ways To Accelerate Your Growth
  154. PPP 263 | (Video) First Rule of Conflict? Don't Make it Worse
  155. PPP 262 | (Video) How to Destroy a Team In Under 2 Years
  156. PPP 261 | Jack of All Trades or Specialize Early? Project Managers and Leaders Need Range, with author David Epstein
  157. PPP 260 | (Video) How To Respond When You Mess Up
  158. PPP 259 | (Video) Encouragement That Goes Unexpressed
  159. PPP 258 | You Already Have the No--How to Make the Ask, with Kari Mirabal
  160. PPP 257 | (Video) Leading For The Next 20 Years, Not The Next 20 Minutes
  161. PPP 256 | (Video) Leading When No One is Watching
  162. PPP 255 | (Video) How to Help Your Good Work to Be Seen
  163. PPP 254 | (Video) Winning The Hearts of Your Team Members
  164. PPP 253 | Honoring a Project Management Legacy, with PMI Fellow Lee Lambert
  165. PPP 252 | Nine Lies About Work, with Marcus Buckingham
  166. PPP 251 | Why Your Company Culture Sucks (and What To Do About It), with author Mike Rognlien
  167. PPP 250 | (Video) The Power of Saying Yes
  168. PPP 249 | The Way We Do Work Is Screwed Up (Here's What To Do About It), with author Aaron Dignan
  169. PPP 248 | (Video) Try This The Next Time You Face a Ranting Stakeholder
  170. PPP 247 | (Video) Two Tips to Making Better Decisions
  171. PPP 246 | The Surprising Science of Meetings, with author Steven G. Rogelberg
  172. PPP 245 | What Your Meetings Say About Your Culture, with the Meeting Maven J. Elise Keith
  173. PPP 244 | (Video) How Do You Deal With Endings?
  174. PPP 243 | (Video) Getting Thrown Into the Deep End (How We Really Learn)
  175. PPP 242 | An Easy and Proven Way to Help Leaders Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones, with author James Clear
  176. PPP 241 | (Video) When It Doesn't Feel Like The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
  177. PPP 240 | (Video) How to Speak Up When It Feels Risky
  178. PPP 239 | (Video) What If Every Meeting Was Optional?
  179. PPP 238 | (Video) The Mistake We Make When Building Our Network
  180. PPP 237 | (Video) How to Connect With People In a Virtual World, with Dr. Nick Morgan
  181. PPP 236 | Do This To Help Your Project Team Learn, Innovate, and Grow, with Harvard Professor of Leadership Amy C. Edmondson
  182. PPP 235 | (Video) One Simple Way to Accelerate Your Career Growth
  183. PPP 234 | (Video) Under-Promise and Over-Deliver? The Happiness Formula
  184. PPP 233 | (Video) Not Happy With Your Outcomes? Consider This.
  185. PPP 232 | (Video) Keep This In Mind When Everything Goes Perfectly (or Poorly)
  186. PPP 231 | (Video) First, Ride Into the Wind
  187. PPP 230 | Helping Your Team Survive The Messy Middle of Projects
  188. PPP 229 | (Video) There's a Leadership Vacuum (What Are You Doing About It?)
  189. PPP 228 | (Video) A Subtle Influence Technique to Drive Behavior
  190. PPP 227 | (Video) Try This Metric To Free Up Some Time This Week
  191. PPP 226 | Become a High Performer in Eight (Scientifically Proven) Steps, with author Marc Effron
  192. PPP 225 | (Video) Help for the Crazy Busy
  193. PPP 224 | (Video) Aspire To Lead? Or Aspire for a Paycheck?
  194. PPP 223 | (Video) What's Worse? Indecision or A Wrong Decision?
  195. PPP 222 | (Video) Collect Wins and Avoid the Bad Beat Stories
  196. PPP 221 | (Video) When You Can't Unfriend That Stakeholder
  197. PPP 220 | (Video) Look for This When Hiring People
  198. PPP 219 | (Video) You Need to Make Time for This
  199. PPP 218 | (Video) Don't Just Keep Them Informed. Keep Them Satisfied.
  200. PPP 217 | (Video) Set Smaller Goals to Get Bigger Results
  201. PPP 216 | (Video) Don't Be Easily Offended
  202. PPP 215 | (Video) Got a Tough Hill to Climb? Do This.
  203. PPP 214 | (Video) 3 Words to Help You Make Better Choices for You, Your Team, and Your Projects
  204. PPP 213 | How to Help You and Your Team Stop Blaming and Start Taking Responsibility, with author Christopher Avery
  205. PPP 212 | (Video) One of the Most Important Choices You Need to Make
  206. PPP 211 | (Video) Finishing Something Today? Do This.
  207. PPP 210 | (Video) One Question That Will Help You Improve Your Personal (and Team) Productivity
  208. PPP 209 | (Video) Less About Us, More About Them. Be Curious
  209. PPP 208 | (Video) What I Taught Today About Applying an Idea from Scrum
  210. PPP 207 | Accelerating Your Agile Journey, with author Johanna Rothman
  211. PPP 206 | (Video) My Favorite Hack to Avoid Missing The Next Big Learning Opportunity
  212. PPP 205 | (Video) What I Taught Today: One of My Favorite Ways to Coach Someone
  213. PPP 204 | How to Build an A Team, with author Whitney Johnson
  214. PPP 203 | (Video) What I Learned This Week (You’ll Never Experience Meetings the Same Once You Know About It)
  215. PPP 202 | How Top Performers Do Less, Work Better, and Achieve More, with author Morten Hansen
  216. PPP 201 | (Video) What I Learned From a Podcast Listener This Week About Coffee Every Friday (and Strengths, from Marcus Buckingham)
  217. PPP 200 | Why Too Many Project Managers Are Dying for a Paycheck--And What You Can Do About It, with Jeffrey Pfeffer
  218. PPP 199 | (Video) What I Learned This Week About Convenience
  219. PPP 198 | How to Grow Leaders, from Chief Weed Puller (and author) Jeff McManus
  220. PPP 197 | The Perfect Time for Meetings, Taking the Certification Exam, and Just About Everything Else, with author Daniel Pink
  221. PPP 196 | The Most Important Talent Project Managers Need to Succeed, with author Ulrich Boser
  222. PPP 195 | How to Have a Conversation With That Stakeholder Who Drives You Crazy (And Anyone Else), with NPR Host Celeste Headlee
  223. PPP 194 | How to Get to Yes Without Manipulating, with author and influence expert Tim David
  224. PPP 193 | How To Improve Relationships in the Workplace, with Todd Davis, Chief People Officer at FranklinCovey
  225. PPP 192 | (Video) Learning About the Business and the Power of Rapport: What Susanne Madsen Learned This Week
  226. PPP 191 | (Video) Blend In and Play It Safe? Or Take the Risk of Standing Out? What I Learned This Week
  227. PPP 190 | (Video) Two Lessons About Where to Focus and Gaining Buy-in: What I Learned This Week
  228. PPP 189 | How to Tame Your Nerves Before the Big Meeting, Presentation, or Exam, with Harvard Business Review Senior Editor Dan McGinn
  229. PPP 188 | 10 Principles for Leaders of Any Age to Stay Vital, Happy, and Sharp, with Brain Rules author Dr. John Medina
  230. PPP 187 | (Video) What You Need to Know About PMOs: Today and In The Future, with Peter Taylor, Bill Dow, and Hussain Bandukwala
  231. PPP 186 | (Video) Two Words You Need to Say This Week. What I Learned This Week
  232. PPP 185 | Leadership and Self-Deception, with Mitch Warner from The Arbinger Institute
  233. PPP 184 | How Leaders Can Get Their Head Above Water When Drowning in Email and Commitments, with Steve Kahle
  234. PPP 183 | (Video) Everything's a Project and Every Project Is a Story. What I Learned This Week
  235. PPP 182 | Project Management Expert Interview with Dr. Mike Clayton
  236. PPP 181 | (Video) On Ending Well and Self-Deception. What I Learned This Week
  237. PPP 180 | The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything Project Managers Know About Success is (Mostly) Wrong
  238. PPP 179 | Tough Conversations, Uncomfortable Challenges, Delivering Bad News: How Successful Leaders Reach Outside Their Comfort Zones
  239. PPP 178 | How to Find and Work With a Mentor, with Ken Blanchard
  240. PPP 177 | Why We Can't Look Away From Our Devices, with author Adam Alter
  241. PPP 176 | (Video) Why Leaders Need to Get Lost! What I Learned This Week
  242. PPP 175 | (Video) What Would You Advise a Friend to Do? Lessons for Project Managers to Make Better Decisions
  243. PPP 174 | 5 Strategies for Staying Productive and Happy in an Age of Shiny Objects, with author Amy Blankson
  244. PPP 173 | Why Playing It Safe is Holding You Back, with Extreme You author Sarah Robb O'Hagan
  245. PPP 172 | (Video) What You Need to Know About Critical Path
  246. PPP 171 | (Video) All the Good Stuff For Leaders Is On The Other Side of Fear
  247. PPP 170 | (Video) Ideas for When You Sense Your Confidence Slipping
  248. PPP 169 | But What If They're Bingeing on NetFlix? How to Lead a Virtual Team, with Emily Luijbregts
  249. PPP 168 | (Video) Put Your Phone Down and Get Back to Your Life--An Idea For Managing Your Digital Diet
  250. PPP 167 | (Video) Why Project Managers Might Just Need to Call an Audible

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