One of my favorite writers and voices on the topic of productivity is Peter Bregman. Peter recently released his newest book entitled 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Peter recently and look forward to sharing that discussion with you in this episode.

You can learn more about Peter at his website

Quick note: I’m always encouraged to hear from listeners and received this recently from Cheryl, who said,

“I’ve been listening to your informative and inspiring podcasts and have found value in each one. I like your passion and sincerity. I benefit from the coaching delivered through your discussions with your engaging guests regarding leadership attitudes, skills and practices. I love that you call it the People and Projects podcast. My personal #1 rule is to take care of the people, and your podcasts cover the many dimensions of pursuing that objective. Thank you again for your great podcasts. I look forward to hearing more of them!”

I certainly appreciate Cheryl’s kind words. Her personal #1 rule is a good one, and is the heart of this podcast. If you get find these discussions valuable I invite you to take a moment and let some friends and colleagues know about The People and Projects Podcast. You can find us on the web, iTunes, and on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook, please take a minute to stop by our podcast Facebook page! I invite you to Like it and the join the discussion.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Topics: Time Management, Leadership

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Find Your Focus and Master Distraction with Peter Bregman, author of 18 Minutes

November 1, 2011

Let me take a guess…. You don’t have time to listen to this podcast, do you? In fact, I’m guessing you’re multitasking right now, perhaps doing e-mail or driving or waiting for a flight or something like that.

Or maybe you’re not multitasking right now. But statistically before this cast is done you’ll be interrupted multiple times. Welcome to the world we live in!

A consistent refrain I hear from coaching clients and customers who are tasked with delivering projects and leading teams is that they need tools to help them juggle all the demands they have at work and at home. If you have more to do than hands or time to do it, this episode is for you!

One of my favorite writers and voices on the topic is Peter Bregman. Peter recently released his newest book entitled 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Peter recently and look forward to sharing that discussion with you in this episode.

You can learn more about Peter at his website

Quick note: I’m always encouraged to hear from listeners and received this recently from Cheryl, who said,

“I’ve been listening to your informative and inspiring podcasts and have found value in each one. I like your passion and sincerity. I benefit from the coaching delivered through your discussions with your engaging guests regarding leadership attitudes, skills and practices. I love that you call it the People and Projects podcast. My personal #1 rule is to take care of the people, and your podcasts cover the many dimensions of pursuing that objective. Thank you again for your great podcasts. I look forward to hearing more of them!”

I certainly appreciate Cheryl’s kind words. Her personal #1 rule is a good one, and is the heart of this podcast. If you get find these discussions valuable I invite you to take a moment and let some friends and colleagues know about The People and Projects Podcast. You can find us on the web, iTunes, and on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook, please take a minute to stop by our podcast Facebook page! I invite you to Like it and the join the discussion.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Total Duration 27:37

Download episode 64

P.S. Here’s that willpower marshmallow test I mention in the cast. It’s worth watching!

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