Influence and Manipulation Where’s the line between influence and manipulation? Well, I’ll save the answer for when you hear from today’s guest. Andres Lares is the Managing Partner at the Shapiro Negotiation Institute and author...
Leadership Lessons Over the years of hosting the People and Projects Podcast, we’ve heard from authors from all kinds of backgrounds. I enjoy bringing you insights from researchers and professors and authors from diverse backgrounds...
Influencing Skills for Project Managers One of the constant challenges for those of us who lead teams and projects is influencing people around us. Whether it’s a boss, our team, clients, or other stakeholders, we’re...
Accountability on Project Teams In this episode, we’re taking on the subject of accountability. And though fostering accountability among our team members is something we’ll talk about, you’re going to see that developing a culture...
Career Advice for Women (and Men) Most days you can find me working with a group of leaders, helping them learn how to improve their ability to lead and deliver. This last Thursday I looked...
Your Kids Are Project Managers As I’ve often joked on this podcast, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an 8-year-old child telling their parent, “Mommy, someday I want to be a project manager!” To...
A New Way to Think Over 300 episodes ago we were joined by Roger L. Martin to talk about ideas from his book The Opposable Mind. In the years since I have personally benefited from...
Staying Motivated to Get To Done How do we stay motivated when we’re pursuing our goals? And what can we learn from motivational science to help us both at work and at home? We’re joined...
In The Trenches With Yasmina Khelifi If you’re a long-time listener of the People and Projects Podcast, you may recall that every once in a while we have a type of episode that we call...
Mistakes (New) Managers Make If you are currently in a management role, do you remember what it was like when you first took on that new position? Do you remember what your struggles were? Janet...