Introducing Andy Tryba and John Chmela When you think of artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT, what comes to mind? Do you find it intriguing for how it can help us as people who are...
“Why Did I Say Yes?” We’ve talked in past episodes about how, unless there’s a compelling reason to say No, say Yes–that there are opportunities for growth and learning when we have a bias for...
Introducing PMeLa It’s impossible to avoid hearing about AI these days. From those who praise it to those who warn about an impending apocalypse because of it, there are no shortage of opinions or predictions...
Feeling Stuck Can you think of situations when you felt stuck? I recently talked with someone who feels stuck in their career. Some of my MBA students feel stuck–unsure about what path to pursue in...
Balancing The Now and The Future Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working with some amazing bosses. One was a woman named Cindy. What made her stand out? She constantly encouraged us to...
Making Wise Decisions Think about some past decisions. Can you recall one that turned out well and another that, in hindsight, didn’t go as planned? It’s important to analyze these instances – what factors influenced...
Dangerously Divided Times I’d like you to think of some examples of divides in your life. It could be with a friend or relative that has radically different beliefs about politics or social causes. Or...
“What’s A Risk You’re Glad You Took?” I asked this question to my LinkedIn network recently, and it led to a long thread of responses. The two most mentioned examples were job changes and moving...
Say It Right the First Time So much of what we do when leading teams and projects comes down to communication. Whether it’s written or spoken, with a large audience or an informal conversation or...
Focusing On What Really Matters When you don’t have enough time, what’s the first thing that gets cut from your schedule? Now, of course, the answer is “it depends.” But I asked this question recently...