What Did You Learn Last Year? What’s something specific you’ve learned in the last 12 months that you either didn’t know before then or you had to re-learn it? That’s a question I asked some...
Gotta Love Millennials When the topic of millennials comes up in my workshops, it’s sure to evoke strong opinions, from older leaders who complain millennials are entitled, to the millennials who resent being stereotyped. In...
Project Managers Influencing Without Authority Increasingly, project managers need to influence, but do so without authority. Often, without much, if any positional power, we need to get a sponsor or team member or other stakeholders...
What Good is a Mess? As a profession, project managers have a tendency toward the tidy. Would you agree? I’m not talking about tidy in terms of cleanliness. I’m talking about tidy in terms of...
You Have More Stakeholders Than You Realize One of the primary reasons so much of our emphasis on The People and Projects Podcast is on the people side of our profession is because that is...
Playing the Game or Just Getting Played? In this episode, I welcome Dan Rust, author of Workplace Poker: Are You Playing the Game or Just Getting Played? If you get sick of office politics, join the...
How to Become a Better Leader In this episode, I welcome back leadership researcher and author Jim Kouzes. Jim joined us back in episode 62 to talk about the book Credibility. Jim and his writing...
Too Good to Be True? In this episode, I welcome Scrum inventor and co-creator Jeff Sutherland. He’s the author of Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Does getting twice the...
Tough Boss or Bully? In this episode, I welcome workplace bullying expert Paul Pelletier. He’s a lawyer, a PMP, and author of Workplace Bullying: It’s Just Bad for Business: Prevention, Management, & Elimination Strategies for...
Ask More, Talk Less In this episode, I welcome Michael Bungay Stanier, founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons. Michael is the author of a new book that details how project managers...