Have a Mentor–Common Wisdom Right? Talk to enough highly successful leaders and project managers and eventually you’ll hear them mention the value that one or more mentors have provided over their career. It’s...

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    Do You Know Where Your Phone Is? Most leaders these days know the answer to that question. Of course we know where our mobile devices are! And if we didn’t, we might be...

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What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week we discuss why someone telling you to “Get Lost!” might...

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What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week we discuss some key lessons from a keynote that Andy...

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Is Tech Making Life Better or Worse? Tech is ruining our life. Or at least that’s what plenty of people are suggesting. There’s evidence showing that culturally we’re more depressed and distracted than ever, and...

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    What Could the Extreme Version of You Do? What if you didn’t play it so safe? What could a more extreme version of you acccomplish? In this episode, Sarah Robb O’Hagan joins us...

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What’s So Critical About Critical Path? If you’re preparing for taking the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam, you need to know how to calculate critical path by hand. Beyond the exam, what’s important is to...

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What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week we discuss a quote I heard from Michael Hyatt, that...

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What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week I share an experience about a workshop participant that was...

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    :30 Leading a Remote Team Increasingly project managers tell me they are responsible for a team that is not completely co-located. Whether it’s just a few people who are remote or the entire...

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