Learn How to Learn Learning to learn is what experts call the ultimate survival tool, one of the most important talents of the modern era, the skill that precedes all other skills. The idea is...
The Lost Art of Conversation George Bernard Shaw once said “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” As leaders of teams and projects, that’s a serious problem since...
:30 Influencing Skills for Leaders For those of us responsible for leading teams and projects, there are a core set of skills we need to develop. We need to manage our time. Deal with conflict....
Everything Comes Down to Relationships It’s the dirty little secret of business. Your career will be boosted or restrained by how well you build and maintain relationships. In this episode, FranklinCovey’s Chief People Officer Todd...
What Susanne Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week I invite my friend and highly esteemed colleague Susanne Madsen...
What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week I share some thoughts during a bike ride about the...
What I Learned This Week We continue our series of short videos talking about an idea or observation that was learned this week. This week I share some thoughts from two quotes that I came...
“Calm Down” Doesn’t Work What is something in your near future that’s causing you to feel nervous? For example: A certification exam that you’ll be taking soon A presentation you need to make to...
Hacking Your Brain Since the first Brain Rules book came out in 2009, I’ve been a big fan of Dr. John Medina. John is one of the clearest voices on how we can leverage our...
The State of the PMO In this video episode, I invite Peter Taylor, Bill Dow, and Hussain Bandukwala to a roundtable discussion about project management offices (PMOs). We have a great interaction about the state...