Getting a shared understanding of what’s in (and out) of scope is critical for successfully delivering our projects. In this 2-minute snippet, I share some thoughts from an exam prep class I taught today. Let…

How To Master The Most Important Skill For Success What is one thing that, if you did it more often, and encouraged your team to do it more often as well, would make a significant...

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We Often Aren’t Clear What the Argument Is About “Though many arguments seem to be about matters of substance, they’re often just disagreements about the meanings of words.” That’s from Peter Boghossian, and I’m prepping…

Sometimes Christmas Isn’t So Merry! I’m publishing this episode at a time of year when there are often family gatherings, and in today’s polarized, politically correct culture, there can easily be anxiety about someone–you know,...

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Do Project Managers Need Fans? So what are you a fan of? Hmmm. Maybe a sports team comes to mind. Or a musical artist. For example, I’m going through a Chance the Rapper phase right...

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Earlier this year we started using a time tracking solution called Hubstaff and, I have to tell you, it’s amazing. They now offer a project management app called Hubstaff Tasks. It utilizes the best parts...

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Project managers, you know the importance of organization and transparency when it comes to collaborating on a team. This episode is sponsored by Backlog, which is the perfect project management software to keep your projects...

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Two people. Both go through stressful situations. One seems to go through it well. The other crumbles. Why is that? I’m wrapping up a 2-week speaking tour in Europe with UN leaders. In this 3-minute…

This tour guide was so good I almost wanted to move to Turino. I’m on a two week speaking tour in Europe with the UN. In this brief video, I share a lesson about influence…

It’s not a newsflash that most of us need more sleep. The question is “How?” One of our most-requested keynotes is called Help for the Crazy Busy. In this brief video, I share a story…