
It’s an easy word to say, but when it comes to practicing it, whether on a personal level or across an organization, it’s often not practiced (or practiced well). A recurring theme I hear from project managers and leaders is that their organization struggles with accountability.

John G. Miller is my “go to” person when it comes to the topic of personal accountability. John’s book QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in Life has sold nearly a million copies since it hit the streets some years back. 

Topics: Accountability

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Accountability That Works! An interview with author and speaker John G. Miller

January 6, 2010

John G. Miller is my “go to” person when it comes to the topic of personal accountability. John’s book QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in Life has sold nearly a million copies since it hit the streets some years back. This week John is releasing a new book about how to make your organization exceptional.

Have a great week! Enjoy the cast!

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