Additional Episode

My interview with Heidi is split between two episodes. Make sure to listen to the second portion where we cover additional practical insights to help us reach our goals this year. For my premium subscribers, you’re extra coaching episode will be published along with the second half of the interview.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Topics: Success, Motivation

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Reaching Your Goals with Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson (Part 1)

January 10, 2012

Starting a New Year

I admit it: I love the start of a new year. It’s a time of new beginnings when we can take a fresh look at what we want to do differently this year. For some, it’s setting New Year’s resolutions. For others, it’s just deciding that this will be the year that you’ll do some things differently.

Budgets, projects, performance review cycles and many other things in life tend to reset again with a new year.

Of course, the truth is that we don’t have to wait until January each year for setting new goals. Each week, even day, provides that opportunity. But the problem usually isn’t having the opportunity to set goals. In fact, as you’ll learn in this episode, the problem usually isn’t having the information we need.

New Year’s resolutions are famously forgotten by the time you listen to this podcast episode. In a similar fashion, goal setting is one thing but reaching our goals has a notoriously bad track record. Yet so much has been learned about what it takes to achieve our goals. There are proven, evidence-based insights that can help you reach your personal and professional goals this year. And they can also be applied to help you deliver your projects.

To help us do just that, I’m excited to share my interview with Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson. Heidi is the author of Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals and Nine Things Successful People Do Differently.

Additional Episode

My interview with Heidi is split between two episodes. Make sure to listen to the second portion where we cover additional practical insights to help us reach our goals this year. For my premium subscribers, you’re extra coaching episode will be published along with the second half of the interview.

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Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Total Duration 25:04

Download episode 68

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