In this episode, I talk with Justin Menkes
, author of Better Under Pressure: How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Themselves and Others. Let’s learn together from Justin as we talk about leading under pressure. You can learn more about Justin and his book at

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

P.S. Here’s an entertaining and informative video on how stress impacts how the brain works, from Dr. John Medina. Enjoy!

Topics: Leadership, Stress

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Leading Under Pressure, with Justin Menkes author of Better Under Pressure

November 9, 2011

I’m recording this on the road in Austin, Texas this week. It’s been an interesting time in the Kaufman household. Last week we received a 6 month old foster child in the family, who is an amazingly cute little guy. But I have to say that now that our children are 17, 14, and 11, it’s been interesting to adjust to having an infant in the home again. This little guy showed up with a case of croup so we’ve had some quality time together in the wee hours of the night! I’ve been reminded how reduced sleep takes a toll on performance during the day.

Why do I bring this all up? Most everyone I run into these days is feeling pressure. Between the economy and a plate full of commitments, there’s an endless number of things we can worry about if we’re so inclined.

A consistent refrain I hear from coaching clients and customers who are tasked with delivering projects and leading teams is that they need tools to help them juggle all the demands they have at work and at home. If you have more to do than hands or time to do it, this episode is for you!

Most business leaders can take only so much pressure before their performance slides. Yet others deliver great successes when times get toughest. How do they do it?

In this episode I talk with Justin Menkes, author of Better Under Pressure: How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Themselves and Others. Let’s learn together from Justin as we talk about leading under pressure. You can learn more about Justin and his book at

One way to develop your ability to lead under pressure is to join me in next year’s Leadership Fast Track Program. This year’s program is wrapping up this month and I’ve greatly enjoyed the process of helping a group of leaders from multiple continents grow in their ability to lead and deliver. By joining the Leadership Fast Track Program, you’ll join me in a series of learning sessions, assessments, and one-on-one coaching. Though it doesn’t start up until next year, now’s a great time to start looking into the program and getting it on your development plan for next year. Learn more at

Please take a minute to stop by our podcast Facebook page! I invite you to Like it and the join the discussion.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast! Have a great week!

Total Duration 33:08

Download episode 65

P.S. Here’s an entertaining and informative video on how stress impacts how the brain works, from Dr. John Medina. Enjoy!


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