PPP 386 | AI Insights from a CEO (Andy Tryba) and a Friend (John Chmela)

Total Duration 52:12

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Introducing Andy Tryba and John Chmela

When you think of artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT, what comes to mind?

Do you find it intriguing for how it can help us as people who are focused on leading teams and projects? Or maybe you think it’s overly hyped—entertaining for writing haikus and silly stories but not even close to being at a place where it can help us with our jobs. Or, maybe you’re concerned that it’s a threat to our jobs someday.

I know people in each group, leading us to this episode. I’m joined by Andy Tryba who is the Co-Founder & CEO of Ionic Partners, and also CEO of Gigster. Andy is a nationally recognized Future of Work & Remote Work expert and his companies help some of the largest brands in the world integrate AI, ChatGPT, QA Automation and more.

I'm also discussing AI with my friend John Chmela. John and I met when we worked together years ago and to this day he's a valued friend. Beyond loving him as a person, I've always admired how John is quick to adapt new technologies and leverage them for good. But beyond our friendship and his tech skills, John is a savvy business leader and investor.

In both discussions, you'll pick up on some ideas and perspectives that can guide your exploration of the tools.

Learn more about Andy Tryba and follow him on LinkedIn at LinkedIn.com/in/AndyTryba.

Learn more about John and his operation at Queenslake Farm at Queenslake.com.

AI for Project Managers and Leaders

With the constant stream of AI news, it's sometimes hard to grasp how these advancements can benefit us as project managers and leaders in our day-to-day work. That's why I developed our e-learning course: AI Made Simple: A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work.

This self-guided course is designed for project managers and leaders aiming to harness AI's potential to enhance your work, streamline your workflow, and boost your productivity.

Go to ai.i-leadonline.com to learn more and join us. The feedback from the program has been fantastic. Take this opportunity to unlock the potential of AI for your team and projects.

Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

Talent Triangle: Business Acumen


The following music was used for this episode:

Lullaby of Light (feat. Cory Friesenhan) by Sascha Ende
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/11174-lullaby-of-light-feat-cory-friesenhan
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Music: Laughing Children [Full version] by MusicLFiles
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/10498-laughing-children-full-version
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

PDU Categories: Business Acumen

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